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AuthorA Guide to Money: How to have self-sustaining Artifacts.
Ah, so the lines have been drawn. The poor are becoming poorer and the rich are, well, simply good at handling their money.

This isn't a new issue, it has just been an argument recently aggravated by the minimum AP rule. Those in the former group seem to think that those in the latter have given donations, cheat, "cheat," or simply have far more time to play the game than others. I will debunk those accusations at the end of this Tutorial.

Let us start from the beginning. You are a new character... Lord Newb'bane of Brokeshire, Combat Level 1 of some faction or another, etc etc. You've done a duel or two and realize you are not making any gold whatsoever. You visit the Inquiry Room in search of help. Lo, there is help to be had!

[Lord_Newb'bane]: how can has golds?
[Arctic] to Lord_Newb'bane: Enroll in the facilities on the map every hour.
[Arctic] to Lord_Newb'bane: And be sure to hunt every 15-20 minutes!
[Zyanya] to ExDeath: Blah blah blah...
[Hunago] to Lord_Newb'bane: And be sure to avoid PvP until you are at least level 3!
[ExDeath] to Zyanya: Blah.
[Lord_Newb'bane]: but how i enroll?!
[gurumao] to Lord_Newb'bane: I have a tutorial in my photo gallery :)
[Lord_Newb'bane]: Gee thanks guys! Now I am a pro!

1500 experience later and you are level 2. Following the unmatched advice found in the Inquiry Room, you have made a good spot of gold. But now how to use this gold?

• Roulette? Don't touch it. Period. Unless you fancy empty pockets. If you happen to win here and there, chances are you will stretch out your wallet with your prize money, and end up with a very saggy wallet by the end of the night.

• Artifacts? Not necessary until you reach level 5. It is possible to be self-sustaining earlier... but much more difficult. I recommend Laborer's level 3 to meet minimum requirements, and LG 4 for full arts. If you reach those levels before level 5 feel free to purchase a few arts.

• Mini arts? This is a tricky one. The description for mini arts in the game say that they are a luxury. This means that choosing to spend on them is something you will have to weigh out with your wants and your needs. Minimum AP is a need, and mini-arts should be considered a want. Granted mini arts are permanent; they require a substantial initial fee. As I have never played a Wizard character, feel free to add to this section or correct me if I am mistaken.
Now lets skip to the buying arts section. You're Level 5 now and need some arts. Hopefully you are level 3 in your Laborer's Guild... 2 at the very least for this level. If you have only hunted and enrolled up to this point you will surely be okay. PvP gives so much experience that you can think of it as shredding a few hours off of your possible enrollment (even though you make that Combat level come a bit sooner).

Ideal arts:

Level 5

• Sword of Retribution - 5 AP, 40 durability: Even the best of the best will tell you that I am wrong. And perhaps I am in some ways... though this is really your best shot at being self-sufficient. The total cost in gold is about 7800 gold. Sounds like quite a bit, huh? Here's how you make due. When the art is broken (0/40) you can sell it back for about 60% of its cost. That will give you back about 4800 gold (including resources). So in 40 battles time you must make 3000 gold. Assuming the minimum, LG 2 and enrolling in GC mines (170 base wage), you must work 12 hours to accumulate this much gold. Assuming you battle 3 times an hour (1 hunt, 1 merc, 1 PvP) you will have used 36 durability and will have enough to get a new sword. These numbers are certainly pushing it. Rarely will you battle that many times each hour at level 5 unless your Merc rep is high. Mind you, this is not including gold earned from Hunts and Mercenary rewards!

• Full arts?! It can be done :) Though it is a bit more tricky. Laborer's Guild 4 would be the minimum here, and you will likely have to sell your Hunter, MH, and GH arts and elements earned. At level 5-7 it will be tough to earn enough gold to be self-sufficient with full arts. What you can do, though, is save your left-over gold from re-buying that Sword of Retribution until you have a full set of arts. Use that set to have fun while they last, and when they're spent you can use the gold from selling them on Castle constructions. You will still have a good chunk of gold left to get started on saving for that next full set.

Level 6

• Sword of Retribution ~ 5 AP, 40 dur. + Leather Armor ~ 1 AP, 25 dur.: This runs along the same concept as the above; though Laborer's Guild 3 is ideal, but still doable with LG 2. Given LG 3 as the minimum, with minimum enrollment in GC mine, you can easily make this work for you. Leather Armor is about 950 gold with sell-back at about 500. So you need 450 gold every 25 battles, and another 3000 gold every 40 battles. Making 340 gold per hour you will easily make enough for the Leather Armor every time it runs out. If you do 25 battles in 8 hours, you will make at least 2270 gold from your Enrolling; _after_ you re-purchase the leather armor. Another 20 battles later you will need your sword, and probably another leather armor soon enough. So that's 1180 gold. You can make that in 4 hours easily.
Level 7

• Sword of Might ~ 8 AP, 80 durability: Ye gods! 31,000 gold for this weapon?! Why yes. 31k sounds like quite a bit so be prepared to have the funds ready. It is not exactly 31k, but that is assuming each required resource costs 400 gold; just in case you are stuck buying it on the market. At level 7 I really hope you are LG 4. You'll need it, and you should be. The good news is, the sell-back on this sword is approx. 24,400; leaving you only 6.6k of the cost to spend when you re-buy. Now that you're level 7 or 8 let's imagine you are doing about 4 battles per hour. This, of course, is ridiculous as it takes you 15 minutes to heal if your army gets run-down; so all-in-all we are assuming worst case scenarios. So that means you have to make that 6.6k in 20 hours. Luckily, enrolling at 170 base wage per hour with LG 4, you will be making 8.5k in 20 hours! That is certainly more than enough, also not including the decent amount of gold you should be getting by now from Hunts, Merc Missions, and selling Elements and hunter, MH, and GH arts...

• What kind of Thief wears min arts? Not many. So if you're an aspiring Thief... I would suggest saving up for that full set while using that Sword of Might. That 2k left over every 20 hours sounds like very little doesn't it... well remember, that's assuming 4 battles per hour. When was the last time you did that? Not to mention your other sources of income. Now, I hate to say it, but there is a grueling part. You must save up for this first set. It should only take you a week if you play 8 or more hours a day; and two-three weeks if you play 4-8 hours a day. Less than that and it could be a month. I hate to bore you with the math behind this... though I can assure you this is based on my experiences thus far. Could be better for some, or worse for others.
Hopefully by now you can see how this works out. Yes, it takes time. This game is about managing your money as well as your time. Be efficient as you would in any other RPG.

Level 7-8 (cont.)

• Damn that took forever to buy those arts; I don't want to go through that again! Well, the good news is you don't have to. Some of those arts you're using probably have 10 less durability than some others, huh? Like Pendant of Despair or Cape of Winds? Especially those rings... So when one piece of your full set runs out, you will be better off using individual pieces with a Light Axe to meet your min AP requirement. This gets in quite a few more battles before you go to purchase a new set. Using your arts in this way gets you more gold over time and y the time they all run out and are sold you should be a mere day or two from re-buying the full set. I have done the math and experienced it... you will be self-sufficient for certain if you don't spend your gold unwisely. Ah, it is also key to be using your Sword of Might outside of your full set as well! Or even have another on-hand! Use that SoM for easy battles in which you don't need the full set. This will also increase the time you have to make the 40% of your re-buy.

• Wont using a Sword of Might all the time be more expensive in the long run? Well it might compared to other art sets... I just prefer to have to deal with one art at a time, that lasts a while. I don't lose any gold, and I make enough to re-buy that Sword, the Leather Armor I use (from level 9+) and even afford full arts that I have on me 99% of the time. That 1% of the time is considered down-time, when I am using individual pieces of a set until they run out to increase profit. For the record, I attempt all Hunts, Merc Missions, and Caravans that come my way. Obviously I don't win all of them... yet I seem to be fine on arts.
Level 9

• Sword of Might + Leather Armor: I think you guys are getting the idea. What's better is that the lack of anything to purchase in your castle at this level is an excellent opportunity to invest in that set of arts! If you haven't done so yet, use that Level bonus to purchase some top-o'-the-line arts. From then until Level 10 you will not need to go more than a day without a full set :)

Level 10

•Two castle upgrades?! Why yes, that is certainly a gold gobbler. I'm afraid I can't help you here because I have come upon this predicament. But is it really a problem? I planned it so my arts would break when I hit level 10 so I could sell them and use the funds on those Grand Master Bowmen. But now I have not any full arts! Well that's okay :) I have been Level 10 for only a few days now and I already have 4/9 Pieces to the set. Mithril Helm, Plate Mail, Warrior Pendant, and Cape of Winds. Also still using Sword of Might and Leather Armor... never needing to wait a day without arts. I reckon in a week I'll be back to fully-arted Thieving in no time.
tl;dr Version:


From level 1-3 only Hunt and Enroll on the map. If you need help please ask politely in the Inquiry Room (Click "Chat" on the top menu). The player gurumao has kindly placed an Enrolling Tutorial in her Photo Albums.

Do not play Roulette. You don't need Arts yet. Mini-arts are not absolutely necessary for new Wizards. For Mini-Art help, wait until you are level 5 or greater and ask a knowledgeable Wizard.

• Ideal Arts and LG levels:

Level 5: Sword of Retribution. LG 3 (min. 2).

Level 6: Sword of Retribution + Leather Armor. LG 3 (min. 2).

Level 7-8: Sword of Might. LG 4

Level 9+: Sword of Might + Leather Armor. LG 4 (5 for Full Arts).

• Key points:

Got hunter, MH or GH items from a hunt? Sell them on the market.

Got Elements from a Mercenary Mission? Sell them on the market or to a player directly.

Always remember to enroll every hour.

Do not be afraid to help people in hunts or to do any sort of battle.

The numbers above are implying you are almost battling more than possible and have a relatively low Laborer's Guild level; leaving you room for extra battles for fun.
*thumbs up*
*thumbs up*
Really nice post.
Interesting for newbies - if they ever come to the forum. Not sure people level 7 and up still need help about game mechanics though ;)

I see many complaints from players from all levels about the AP requirements. Yes, the first part is aimed at new players... though it seems people who make it even to level 9 have trouble managing their arts.

This thread is generally aimed at those who complain in the forums about not ever having enough gold; those players being of all sorts of levels.
If you realy want to spare your gold, reprisal sword + moral pendant at lvl 5 and reprisal sword + defender shield at lvl 6 is cheaper.
Nice post.
steel blade n defender shield would provide more even attack n defence points
at lvl 5

True that is an even better combination. There are cheaper combination of arts for each level... this is simply a guide to self-sufficiency. Multiple arts, cheaper or not, make explaining the concept more difficult.

Hopefully people can find what they like to use and apply what is to be learned here.
^^ Great!
>>> If admin look at this topic, they probably think to raise minimum AP :p
I don't know, I find it hard to take advice from a lvl 10 who has less than 10,000 gold. :p Just kidding! Excellent guide.

I think the choice of artifacts per level would change for a wizard, just for the fact that one extra spell power helps alot in hunts and merc quests. But again great guide.
Spot on mate. Well done
I would suggest a combat staff for wizard lvl 5 and 6. With a LG of 2 you have to enroll 14 times to pay it off and that lets you play at least 2.86 times an hour. LG 3 makes it even more affordable.
mini arts isn't a luxury for a wizard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unless you consider thet favourite ennemy is a luxury for elf and raising is a luxury for necro and gaiting is a luxury for demons.......
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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