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AuthorA Guide to Money: How to have self-sustaining Artifacts.
It IS luxury 1 reason i dont want to be wizard as for others favorite enemy cost only few k and resources for building, raising cost only mana (btw every1 with life magic can raise its just necro troops arent affected by morale penalty), gating cost nothing at all compare that to ~1mil gold worth of mini arts that Kusika has. Dont tell me it isnt luxury.
this is way the wizard is the hardest
and why it isn't a luxury
you can ask any wizard
to my experience, I seldom have to wait for arts, and I always have plenty of money....

From lv8 to lv9, I have gain about more than 700k gold in all: the change fraction of demons and dark elf with ground upgrades , and the thief arts....I wonder why people compain about use arts for battle, for every battle I use arts far before the new rule enabled.
samlonewolf, you are severely mistaken. Most Wizards don't need mini-arts. They just enjoy having them. Therein is the definition of luxury. They are not, however, the only use of their Faction Skill.

If you must, here is a comparison of all Faction Skill so you may see where Wizard stands in usefulness :)

Knights have Training Chambers. This allows them to simply recruit more based on their Faction Skill level. This promotes higher over-all damage and longevity. A fairly rounded skill.

Necromancers have Necromancy. This only affects the amount of skeletons one can recruit from their Reserves. It is a decent skill, but certainly not among the top. Skeletons are powerful in force, but are easily weakened. Not to mention, being able to raise their troops cuts HP of their already low-defense and HP units.

Elves have Avenger's Guild. The only thing their Faction Skill effects is the chance to do double damage to that specific enemy and all hunts (not Mercenary Missions). It sounds nice, but it's only useful for Hunts, Monster missions, and Raids.

Barbarians have Magic Proof. Fairly self-explanatory.

Dark Elves have Piercing Magic. Likely the most useless, and also self-explanatory.

Demon's Ability to Gate increases tactics and has great potential for more damage. The down side is that those gated units don't have to be killed, and Demons have a fairly low base defense. Faction skill only determines how many creatures will appear in a gated stack. Not a huge bonus, but decent.

And lastly (because this is the topic of debate) Wizards. Their Faction Skill level determines how much extra damage they do with their Spells vs. Neutral creatures. This includes all Hunts _and_ Mercenary Missions. This, if anything, is their main bonus and is highly comparable to all the other factions' bonuses. The creation of Mini-Arts is an even greater bonus... and therefore is far more expensive and considered a "luxury." Such is the same as regular arts for any player. Having a full-set of arts is a luxury. Which is perhaps why those that Wizards construct for their troops are dubbed "mini-arts."
i disagree
take a look at the wizards troops and you'll understand
they are too bad (low HP, low damage, low initiative and no special ability)

gremlins well i can't say nothing they are so bad
golem too slow mostof the time they die before they can hit once
gargs damage is ridiculous
magi they die like little birds (18 hp)
genies? the worst in their category

all the wizards units are ridiculous that's why mini arts are necessary not a luxury
Why so little faith in your troops? Is it possible that everything seems more difficult to you because you have mini-arts and could not imagine being without them?

People who have not had mini-arts are probably doing fine with their own respect.

And to take heed of your opinion, why do you criticize the expenses of mini-arts when you seem to be doing just fine. 30k gold is a decent chunk, not to mention that 295 ore and wood. Surely preparing to buy more... so maybe you find that mini-arts are more worthwhile than regular arts?

And if that is the case, they are still a luxury; as are regular arts. In fact, isn't it quite possible that Wizard-centric arts are fairly expensive because they already have mini-arts available to them? Not to mention that mini-arts are a permanent addition.

I'm afraid you haven't presented a compelling argument to your point yet.
Well, unfortunately we went off topic, but I want to mention some things.

I kind of take the middle ground here. Mini arts can be a luxury but it is also a necessity. What do I mean by that? When fighting neutral creatures (hunting or pvp) mini arts are a luxury. Even with the best mini arts, our creatures damage just won't compare to the amount of damage from our spells. Sure mini arts help but one extra spell power or an extra level in faction will help much more.

Now for pvping (including ambushing caravans) mini arts are a necessity. A wizard with up to date mini arts is quite strong while one with no mini arts is quite weak.

But to be honest wizard shouldn't be pvping in the earlier levels (well except for tournaments, those are always fun). If they pvp they lvl too quickly and will not be able to have enough money for mini arts (unless they exchange diamonds for gold).
my money, my mini arts and my ressources doesn't have anything with the problem
i am talking on behalf wizard faction
for my self i can do it without problem but there's people spending hours and hours on thsi game and they are just desabused by admins
this is unfair and i don't like it
may be i'm a revolutiannry person but i say what i think
and i see may be farest then everyone here
the AP rule i can more or less accept but the 30% hunting neutral creature increase rule is very very stupid
the one who find is very very insane
Well, unfortunately we went off topic, but I want to mention some things.

Well, unfortunately, stick to the topic, because it's in forum rules, and I don't like to ban people if I can avoid it.

You can always create another or write in the Wizard thread for this (interesting, but off-topic) debate.
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // Off topic, ask in QaH.]
Sorry Kotrin, I influenced the tangent. My apologies.
As it has been brought to my attention on multiple occasions -- I'd like to add that the arts I have suggested you use are, in fact, fairly expensive. I realize that there are cheaper alternatives which may even be better. The point that I'm trying to instill, though, is that you can easily afford these more expensive alternatives (which I personally prefer because I don't like juggling multiple arts). So it is realistic that you can make far more money than I have described here.

Always keep in mind that this is a game. It is meant to be played for fun, so play it however you enjoy it. This little tutorial is only to give you a general idea of how you can actually still be making money while meeting the minimum AP requirements, and even have a full set of arts on you most of the time.

Whatever you do, don't go out of your way for something you will not have fun doing. We don't want your experience ruined because you think you're doing something wrong. If you do something, and you enjoy it (as long as it does not effect the other players), then continue doing so. There is no one to tell you whether that is right or wrong :)
I'm currently following your advice regarding the arts and applying it towards saving up to buy my castle upgrades (especially those expensive crossbows) when I reach level 8 in about 30k exp or so. So far it's working. I'm almost done with the resource collection page and am about to move into the "keep my gold" phase. This plan takes time to execute, but if you have patience, it will work.
If u want to save ur arts, then do what Ipsine said + do not bring any arts against brigands .. ^^
I'm glad this is working out well for you guys :) Keep in mind that my equipment suggestions are actually more expensive than the cheapest possible. This just goes to show that you can have even more gold on the side by using cheaper arts; which also means you should not be afraid to use arts in every battle; especially Mercenary Missions... the point in the Merc guild is just as worth it :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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