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AuthorDemon Faction Updated
well with incens .... on lvl6.... i would need Diamonds for that & i can't rly afford those XD
I need help with caravans. I am a 2 demon and do not know how many troops of each type to have can u help me and i also need help with tactics.

Archer u can send me a pm with all your question.
2 demons is a lv 2 or a fs lv 2 demon?

Just write me
for lvl 8 should i put all power in incendaires (think i spelled it wrong) and lower everything else??
pls reply
ok i will put loads of incendaries
dunno , i guess best thing to do is try em out in some hunt :)

i think they would be great when they are surrounded XD just one explosion and GG ><

i see lot of ppl on higher lvl (10+) can have over 60 of em and never saw them use explosion... dunno, i guess its better to attack with them , but im not sure untill i try it out , so w8 till i get lvl8 and u'll get your answers XD
and should i put some into spell power and knowledge?
or might?
maybe 1 spellpower and 1 knowledge to do some curse/delay?
i think it can do some miracle.
Ex. When a lot of minotaur attacks before wolf but suddenly you delay it and now your retaler-spawn and wolf comes before the mino.
kool thx
how can u activate that explosion
maybe 1 spellpower and 1 knowledge to do some curse/delay?
i think it can do some miracle.
Ex. When a lot of minotaur attacks before wolf but suddenly you delay it and now your retaler-spawn and wolf comes before the mino

1 knowledge yes, but i think we dont need 1 sp

sometimes perfect 30dmg ice clod can easily finish off apparition, make a hole in the wall, or spiking phantom

210: the usual gating button replaced by a magic book contained gating and explosion
and what's the propabiltiy to do inflame?
inflame = explosion
yes i get that but what the propability of doing an infalme???
it triggered when u click it
there will be a button to do inflame
210: the usual gating button replaced by a magic book contained gating and explosion

it was already answered be4 btw XD
ah this means i have 100% possibility if i want to activate it thnx :)
but.... ? if i use gating can i use inflame and vice versa.
but.... ? if i use gating can i use inflame and vice versa.
yeah, but u can only choose 1 of them per turn
i've also noticed that some of you guys can recruit few more demons in your army ( gigantor & Hell king i think )

ow yea, they make a difference :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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