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Authorextra elemental dmg properties- magical or physical?
For extra elemental dmg dealt through enchantments and cold blade/seething anger, are they regarded as magical? Which would mean it would be reduced by magic proof, right?
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // See below]
15% extra damage i think the last of the chaos magic it is same like coldbalde it deals elemental damage and so does not fall in favour of magic proof
Oh I think I got it. I was a little confused just now. But after pondering on your explanation, I think I understand now.

The extra elemental damage portion is only added after the final damage is calculated (after taking into account of attack and defense). Am I right?

And, by seething anger, I was referring to the +15% fire damage by troops.
what is seething anger?
Nwm, found it. DE talent, 15% extra fire dmg.

But my answer is not completly correct (I blame the numerous magic proofs/shield/resistanses we have :P)

MShield protects from spells only, but MRes (like golems or unicorns have) or MProof (barbs) protects from enchantments and cold blade/seething anger
Making those barbs big cheaters on high levels :P

The extra elemental damage portion is only added after the final damage is calculated (after taking into account of attack and defense). Am I right?
Quite right.
MProof (barbs) protects from enchantments and cold blade/seething anger

In essence, say a Barb with 8 racial (61% magic proof) wearing a cape of arcane protection, and the 3 mithril arts can be almost immune to magic and extra damage enchantments.

Omg, this faction owns :P
In essence, say a Barb with 8 racial (61% magic proof) wearing a cape of arcane protection, and the 3 mithril arts can be almost immune to magic and extra damage enchantments.
Yep. Of course the fact that effects are cummulative and not additive helps, but not by much. People are still unsure if it's a bug or feature :P
so cold blade would be magic damage? that talent is in the melee section of the talent wheel though..

by any chance would DE ability to ignore magic shield,
affect the damage one does to a barbarian due to coldblade and or enchanted weapons?
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // See below]

Piercing magic (DE) and magic proof (barbarians) depend on the character faction level.

-> Resistance rate: 5%+7%*[Barbarian skill level]
-> Rate of piercing through magic resistances and immunity: 10%+8%*[Dark elf skill level]

According to these rules, the DE has pretty good chances to ignore the magic immunity of the barbarian.

The same rule it applies to the magic resistance due to enchantment/talent.

Take care of the fact that the effects are not additive, but multiplicative.

Example 1:
-> DE faction level 6: 58% piercing
-> Enchanted dragon shield 2% air on the opponent
---> Final result: 0.58x0.98 = 0.5684 = 56.84% piercing rate

Example 2:
-> DE faction level 6: 58% piercing
-> Barbarian faction level 6: 47% magic proof
---> Final result: 0.58*0.47 = 0.2726 = 27.26% piercing rate

This is the way to compute these things as far as I understood from what was posted by now about this subject.
so cold blade would be magic damage?
No, it's elemental. So if you're wearing mithril for example, it won't protect you. But if you're a barb, you're resistant to it. It's all rather convulted in my humble opinion :/

by any chance would DE ability to ignore magic shield,
affect the damage one does to a barbarian due to coldblade and or enchanted weapons?

No, DE faction ability applies to spells they cast, not enchantments they use.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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