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AuthorNewbie question
Can someone help me answer these simple questions
1. So we can only fight monsters in the map only onece an hour right?
2. How can I get more xp?
# 1. for level 1-2, there only 28-30 mins while 3 and above takes 45(im not sure)-60 mins

# 2. Buy artifacts and get as much as AP u can and win a fight
# 1. for level 1-2, there only 15-20 mins while 3 and above takes 40-60 mins

# 2. Buy artifacts and get as much as AP u can and win a fight
Well, it only gives u a bonus small procentage, so its not recommended at level 1 to have any arts. As long as you can beat most map mosnters you are fine. Artifacts are expensive, not to mention you can even afford any. Just fight without them and earn gold, makke sure you got enough money for level 3 buildings when you reach it. What's more, you have to wear artifacts from level 5 and up, so you need money for it, don't waste them at level 1. "For wizards, money is never enough," you need them for mini arts, just look how expensive they are when you reach higher levels.

Until then(level 5), only hunts are suggested, of course you can do duels and group battles, but these will make you char weaker in the long run.
ok thanks now my task is to rwach level 2 I need 1100 points to reach it what is better to get xp faster. Fighting duels or fighting monster? And i don;t really understand what's an artifact is as I just started playing 2 hours ago
1 join to group fight, so you will get more exp.
2 https://www.lordswm.com/inventory.php - here you see the image of your character and artifacts which you has. Artifacts increase your parametres such as attack, defence, magic power, knowledge and second parametres: initiative, morale and luck
Thanks for answering my question. How do I increase my labourer's guild currently it shows Laborers' guild: 0 (2) +88
Each time you enroll (doesnt matter where) you get +1 to your laborers guild
0 is your level

(2) is how many points you have

and +88 is how many till it levels up
ok thanks so I have to enroll another 88 times to get to another level right?
And I acceot a challenge in a duel but nothing happens and I can't fight why?
Well, when you join a duel, the game wait for the other party to accept, so it might be a while till the guy realises it and acknowledges your joining.
He might also reject your joining.

If the map loads (thus starting the duel) and nothing happens, clear your browser cache and refresh the page, the battle should start then
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