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AuthorAP for level 7
Recent I reach to level 7.

What is the cheap combination for AP 8?
What is the best combination....?
The cheapest combination for ap 8 should be light axe, defender shield, leather armour, and medal of bravery...
8 AP - light axe + defender shield + leather armor + medal of bravery = 82 gold/batle
the best- sword of might or staff of power(though it is expensive but it gives you 8 ap and have high durability)
and reprisal sword, defender shield and amulet of luck... its fine ?
Sounds like 8 AP+, so it fullfills the requirement, but it isn't "cheap". It isn't really expensive either so do as you like.
so, is best combination the ight axe + defender shield + leather armor + medal of bravery = 82 gold/batle ??
It's cheapest. If for you cheapest=best then yes.
If best=easiest to obtain then go for any 8AP weapon (Sword of Might or Staff of Power)
Light axe + defender shield + leather armor + medal of bravery
[Player banned by moderator Shebali until 2009-03-12 12:58:01 // You don't say >_>]
As for "best"... That would probably be somewhere along the lines of this:

Equilibrium blade
Steel helmet
Pendant of despair
Steel cuirass
Dragon shield
Shoes of aspiration
Ring of abdication*2

Quite depending on your playerstyle though, but that's a pretty good and fast might-build.
Errr... Sword of might is probably alot better than the Equilibrium blade. >_>
1. reprisal sword + defender shield + medal of bravery (AP: 8)
it's cheap (~75 gp / battle) and most efficient in the most of the combats.

2. sword of might (AP: 8)
it's the most efficient against many slow creatures without moral (e.g., zombies, golems), but twice more expensive (~150 gp)

prices are computed as: (selling - re-buying) / durability.
reprisal sword + defender shield + medal of bravery (AP: 8) = 85.32 gold/battle

..sorry, (buying (with full durability) - selling (with 0 durability)) / durability :)
No one has actual got the Gold/Battle cost right yet. Me and arctic are currently working on a sheet that does all calculations for you. Once released you will be able to see the exact C/B for the arts you are using.
[Player banned by moderator MasterTI until 2009-03-12 14:08:53 // Off-Topic o.0]
Artifact Cost per Battle -

Calculated already, for your convinience =)

correct, sorry.
Before I close this thread with a QATC, I'll just strive off-topic and point out that there are Mercury for 366g out there now Shebali. Not sure if that is included in the calcs on the forum.

closed by Lord Agelage (2009-03-12 16:18:37)
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