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AuthorUnfair ambushes
As many people have said it's unfair if you ambush someone and then he goes AFK intentionaly, it's simply UNFAIR, i suggest you would get twice as much from the stolen gold as normaly, so nobody would go AFK again (at least in ambushes) i hate when i ambush someone and when they start loosing, the go afk or fight with minimum power, or even wait for 4 turns to pass then they move at round 5!!! it's anoying!!! so again double the gold if there are signs of being afk.
Whats so unfair about AFking? Its more about gamesmanship. With all due respect, you can't fault and penealise one for not exercising gamesmanship, but you can name and shame that player in your profile.
Punishment for AFK won't change.
If you can prove AFK is _intentional_ - welcome to CaA.

Imo complaininng on easy TG points is silly.
The admin and mods have already said they cannot and will not do anything about AFK situation as there is no way of proving if the reason for the lack of movement is a poor connection or a purposeful AFK.
A delay in data due to a poor connection can result in movement only in later rounds or even none at all.
Poor playing (Fighting with minimum efficiency), well, that is hard to prove whether the person is just a poor player or just having a bad day...
oh come on.

at first in my ambush of the elf she was fighting, as soon as i have killed some druids and forest keepers she went afk!!

for Shebali:I'm not complaining about too easy skill pts, i just don't want to loose the exp. i surely would have gotten.
the ambushed player surely didn't want to waste his/her time for a battle he/she had no chance to win.

your victims don't choose to be ambushed.
they need to move for enrolling or for buying artifacts, and they are stuck in an unfair battle with you (thief is full arts, ambushed player uses 0 AP. only 1 stack of the thief would be enough to crush the entire army of the ambushed player)

you make your victims lose time, and gold. it's enough. you can't ask them to stay here and force them to fight if they don't want.
i had never gone AFK when ambushed, but i understand why some players do that.
your victims don't choose to be ambushed.
they need to move for enrolling or for buying artifacts, and they are stuck in an unfair battle with you (thief is full arts, ambushed player uses 0 AP. only 1 stack of the thief would be enough to crush the entire army of the ambushed player)

Sooner or later everyone will start ambushing (or they are at a serious disadvantage), so it's pretty much giving and taking and no one makes you travel with 0 AP, you can travel in full arts and give them a challenge.

at first in my ambush of the elf she was fighting, as soon as i have killed some druids and forest keepers she went afk!!

Perhaps this person was just traveling to enroll somewhere, before login out and had no time for playing this ambush to the end. Fact is you can't be sure so give them the benefit of doubt.
you can travel in full arts and give them a challenge.
this way you lose 2000+ gold for your artifacts durability each time you are ambushed...no, thanks.
i will keep going on ambushes with 0 AP.
ok this has come to discusion not to a suggestion, if you want to talk it over, open a topic in other place, i give up and lock it!
closed by Yinx (2009-03-15 15:20:31)
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