Rent you my Thief Guild Invite (TGI) under the following terms. Write me a PM .
- I send you TGI, you do 120 successful ambushes and send me the TGI back at Thief Guild Level 2. Any transfer of recieved TGI is forbidden .
- You must be Combat Level 6 at least (game rules).
- The price for the rental service is only 3000 gold per day !!
- YOU KEEP THE THIEFS ARTS THAT U WIN AT TG1 AND TG2 !!!!( if u sell them u can get from 80.000 to 140.000 gold !!!)
- You try to reach TG Level 2 within 2 weeks. You have a total maximum of 4 weeks to reach TG Level 2, otherwise you break rule 3.14, which typically means your Account gets blocked (irreversable) and Loss of my TGI, or u must pay 400000 gold .
- After 2 weeks u pay 4.000 gold per day .(i finished it in 11 day.)
- Finally u must pre-pay the first 2 weeks (42.000 gold) but u will be reimbused 3000 gold/day by me if u return the invite earlier. |