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AuthorUnleash the Wrath of the Warriors' Guild!
Yes, welcome to Halbarus!

And let me remind that we are THE MOST AFFORDABLE WAR CLAN AROUND!

Fee is just Companion rank in Warriors' Guild (that's 6'000 gold all-inclusive) and all else is *FREE*, we don't make any money of it.

In Warriors' Guild Wrath, you only pay your share of the War Clan upgrade. No hidden cost, no hassle. We don't want this clan to suck the gold of our members! Even Warriors' Guild Wrath invitations are free.
Warm welcome to Decrous, 60th WGW member =)
Welcome to STBs and potassium, two new members for the Wrath!

With 62 members so far, we are ready to become a good-sized War clan :)
I'm proud to be in the wrath clan..! Looking forward to fight alongside with the many experienced members here..!
We have been joined by DDL, the 63rd player to embrace the Wrath!

Remember that all Warriors' Guild Wrath members have access to a specific forum area of the Warriors' Guild, to discuss about training and tactics ^_^
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-08-24 12:05:26)
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