Forums-->Complaints and applications - Finance and others-->
Author | too big gift3 |
There will be over 100 violations of this if anyone cares to look, in all sorts of places and clans currently raising funds for the future clan upgrade.
04-03-09 15:04: Transferred 10000 Gold to Kotrin : Warrior's Guild Wrath membership - thanks Kotrin :)
Level 6 player with 1,200 gold on hand, and no resources, and no substantial debt at the roulette.
The admins, should they choose to, will have to do some sort of system sweep and check the logs of every single clan + leaders + members so that adjustments can be made--if they are in fact necessary.
I know of at least 1 more person in my clan that borrowed 20,000 gold from me, and then sent over 100% of his own worth to Kotrin (10k) as a donation as well. I had brought it up to Kotrin at the time, but he didn't think it was a problem then, so I guess he has changed his personal interpretation of this rule overnight.
I have no idea who is in violation of this 30% rule at the time of giving for members of my own clan (#153) since so many of them play roulette. I will make a clause within our #153 page that clan donations will not exceed 30% of their value as of now just to be on the safe side.
Further, as OTHER Mods have mentioned, there is no clear rule against donating for clans. True, you must send the gold to a player, but the gold is automatically put into the clan treasury (there is no mention of a clan treasury in the rules either).
One final thing, the letter of the law is never meant to constrict the success of the community it is meant to protect. This 30% rule does exist to prevent abuse, so all we can do is await for admin input.
LS | [Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // off-topic.] | I've simply returned the excess transfer to that player.
Now, bear in mind Complaints and Applications local rules:
1. If you aren't related to the application directly - don't leave your messages in it's topic. (...) Discussions, expressing personal opinions, etc. are penalized with at least 24 hour ban.
14. This Complaints and applications thread is NOT intended for considering the forum debates. There are moderators for looking after the forum. Complaints regarding the moderators should be sent to Secretary via Private mail.
(emphasis mine).
This forum is not your soapbox. Next time you'll face ban. | closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-04-16 10:29:41) |
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