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i ahd this idea of a new guild it would be a crafting guild
lv 1 you could add 1 percent melle damage to a sword or dagger
lv 2 you could add 1 percent melle resistance to any armor
lv3 you could and 1 percent range damage to a bow and now add 2 percent melle damage
lv 4 you could add 1 percent range resistance to any shield and now add 2 percent melle resistance
lv 5 you could now add 3 percent melle damage
lv 6 you could add 2 percent range damage
lv 7 you could now add 2 percent range resistance
lv 8 you could now add 3 percent melle resistance
lv 9 you could now add 3 percent range damage
lv 10 you could now add 3 percent range resistance

To add these mods to a wepon you would need deliver crafting material were you could get ambushed
if succeded return back to the the crafting guild and it could say you did such a good job there was even some material left over you keep it

the only thing is i dont ahve a name for the materials prehaps people coudl help with suggestions and please tell me what you think
There's already the enchanter's guild is that not enough?

https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=39, under Enchanters' Guild
hmm good job mayb new guild? Merc Guild( u got elements) and possibly Craft Guild(u got crafting materials)
well enchantment doesnt increase damage just magic damage
any one else would like to coment
Weapon enchants do give elemental melee damage.
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