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Author#381 Dragon Alliance

We are Dragon Lovers.:)

Invitatin fee: 500 gold for limited time

Clan rule:
Pay your respects, to Dragon, to game rule, to other palyers, and to yourself.

Tax: No tax Forever

Discount Smith:
binghuo repair 90% (MAX in game), you pay 110% of repair cost

Weapon enchanter: GGW 2*7%, pay you 18,000 gold back
Armor enchanter: binghuo 6%, pay you 6,000 gold back
Jewelry enchanter: yjfish 2*12%, pay you 18,000 gold back

More clan services are coming soon! Plz send your suggestion to binghuo. :)
welcome to:

pptandppt [Dark elf] 11
yjfish [Wizard] 10
GGW [Dark elf] 10
cragg [Elf] 11
Straws [Demon] 9
ForestFighter [Elf] 7
eviltitan [Elf] 10
Chenlong [Dark elf] 10
def0 [Barbarian] 6
GGGG [Elf] 10
function [Demon] 11
13. Offline yaofei [Elf] 6
FAQ: What's the relationships between this clan #381 and clan #136, and also clan #279?

Clan #381 and Clan #136 are both Dragon clans, they are "sister clans", but have different tax system:
#381 Dragon Alliance: No tax forever, cost you only 500 gold to join, I guess there will be more players join us in future. https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7381
#136 Dragon Heroes: with a weekly tax, cost you 10,000 gold to join, the size is limited, but with much better services. https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7136
So the two clans has different plans, that you can choose from. :)

#279 The Dragon Slaughter is the Battle Clan of Dragons! It opens to the clanmates of the above two clans only. https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7279
Welcome to our new members:

elenthil [Demon] 10
Kiaune [Elf] 13
rvprvp [Elf] 6
ncncnc [Barbarian] 9
osburn [Demon] 5

Yes, No. 1 player, Kiaune, joined us! :)
Join our Dragon Alliance today, and open the gate to our battle clan. :)
Welcome to:
DE-Lord [Dark elf] 5 --> Recruiter (12)
KingwarX [Necromancer] 6
unnamed [Elf] 7
PlayBoy0 [Elf] 6
FLAME11 [Elf] 6
Paul_0815 [Elf] 11
kadryl [Necromancer] 7
kheng [Elf] 8

Special welcome to DE-Lord, our great recruiter :)
Also, TGI renting are available.

If you need to rent Thief Invitation (TGI), Plz contact our TGI holder directly:
Now TGI renting from another clanmate:
If you need to rent Thief Invitation (TGI), Plz contact our TGI holder directly
Welcome to our new members:

SJN [Elf] 9
DarkDante [Dark elf] 4
mageof10 [Wizard] 6
Commander33 [Elf] 5
Coppa [Wizard] 5
LeNew_SK [Demon] 7
chrisl [Dark elf] 12 --> Recruiter

And thx for chrisl's help as a clan recruiter. :)
Welcome to our new clanmates :p

MasterTI [Dark elf] 12
NatureLord [Elf] 8 --> Recruiter
ball_sk [Barbarian] 4
devilball [Dark elf] 7

And our new recruiter: NatureLord
Again, Welcome to our new clanmates :)

Anti_roulette [Dark elf] 5 --> Recruiter [22]
aragon1121 [Elf] 6
Lord_Of_Terror [Barbarian] 9
sephirothius [Knight] 6
BackInBlack [Necromancer] 4
TC1Gonhui [Barbarian] 4
Emp_Iten [Elf] 7
aidang2k8 [Barbarian] 6
zemez [Barbarian] 5
lijo09 [Elf] 4
Rafen_2 [Knight] 5
vemvir [Elf] 5
papichulo [Barbarian] 9

Special welcome to our another GREAT recruiter: Anti_roulette
Welcome to our new clanmates :
Darth_demonious [Demon] 8
sry [Knight] 7 --> Recruiter
PrashanthDaniel [Wizard] 6
metroguys [Dark elf] 9
Spigel [Necromancer] 7

And also thx to our recruiter, sry. :)
Welcome to:

RADO [Dark elf] 8
bubu20 [Dark elf] 8
mr_pud [Dark elf] 7
king8796 [Knight] 6
Hell-King [Demon] 5

feelmypower [Knight] 9
SurSE [Dark elf] 7
Darcslayer [Knight] 4
ps5 [Elf] 5
xlightningxX [Dark elf] 4
Maledev [Elf] 6
Nannif [Demon] 5
yndia [Barbarian] 6
borecek00 [Dark elf] 4
welcome to our new members:

Geryon [Dark elf] 9
forest_guard [Elf] 4
randy_orton [Knight] 4
Deacon_V [Dark elf] 5
Bryanne [Barbarian] 6
We are dragon lovers :-)

Are you a real dragon lover ? then join this clan !

. . . . . . . . Offer for a limited Time . . . . . . . .

Invitatin fee: 500 Gold for limited time !

After we send you clan invitation, plz check the lower-right corner of your home page to accept it.

astrobite [Elf] 5
Rice [Knight] 9
Tsurvosh [Elf] 4
King_Lugi [Dark elf] 6
Gosaft [Knight] 6
ultiwolf1 [Knight] 5

gailey [Wizard] 6
hockeymaniac [Dark elf] 5
CrossXVamki [Dark elf] 6
raditya [Knight] 5
MegamanII [Elf] 5
another TGI are waiting for your renting from our clanmate, Phase

If you need to rent Thief Invitation (TGI), Plz contact our TGI holder directly:

mat_man_106 [Dark elf] 4
Dakkon [Dark elf] 6
Dominationtime [Demon] 5
nils1974 [Knight] 5
karanrocks [Dark elf] 6
WIZARD1234 [Wizard] 4
Tryckyster [Wizard] 7
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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