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Author#381 Dragon Alliance
for DarkDomi:

sorry, I noticed that there are some suspect transfer in your log. So I can't give you the position right now.

Plz read the game rules, and follow it:

If there are no such transfers in one month, you may apply again.
We are Dragon Lovers.:)

Current Aim: Recruiting, recruiting and recruiting

Invitatin fee: 2000 gold for limited time
After we send you clan invitation, plz check the lower-right corner of your home page to accept it.

Tax: No tax Forever

We offer our clanmates:
>> Best repair and enchance service (Great discount and rebates)
>> Recruiters projects, a chance to gain extra money :)
>> Arts Renting (GH set, MH set, thief set, shop arts)
>> TGI Renting
>> Clan Ranks
>> Cool Clan Websites and forum
>> Good relationships
>> No Tax
>> More are coming ...
Who is the Survival Hero in our clan?

During the 2nd Survival Tournament, a lot of our clanmates won TOP3 in each lvl and faction. Here is part of the list:

lvl 13 DE #3 MasterTI (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479412883)

lvl 12 knight #1 binghuo (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479588815)

lvl 12 elf #1 cragg (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=11486005)

lvl 11 knight #3 binghuo (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479481962)

lvl 11 wizard #1 yjfish (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479619083)

lvl 10 necro #1 herohero (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479428567)

lvl 10 DE #1 Geryon (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479485848)

lvl 10 Demon #3 Ganz (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479437534)

lvl 9 Barb #2 -P3nnyw1se- (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479527795)

lvl 9 DE #2 MoxSapphire (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479578314)

lvl 8 Barb #1 def0 (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479483583)

lvl 7 knight #1 SurSe (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479596727)

lvl 7 Barb #1 def0 (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479419659)

lvl 7 DE #2 mr_pud (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479557285)

lvl 7 Demon #2 Hell-King (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479464210)

lvl 6 elf #3 ureche (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479443654)

lvl 5 wizard #1 Arsuha (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479486442)

lvl 4 Demon #1 Acadia (https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=479620281)

* The list is created, based on our clanmate's reply in the thread.
** There could be more Survival Heroes in our clan, who didn't reply here. :)
Each of these hero received an element from our clan as a small gift.

And also one Gift Certification from binghuo.

With the gift certification, you can choose one of the two offer:

1) ONE art free upgrading of super-express repairing from normal speed repairing. (You pay repairing fee for normal speed, I do super-express repairing for you)


2) ONE free 8% Fire OR 8% Earth enchanting on your armors (you send me your armor, shield, hemlet, or footgear, I will use my elements to do enchanting for you, then send the art back to you)

Simply send me a priviate mail to use the Gift Certification.
(For enchanting, I do only 1 enchanting each day, so make an appointment ahead. :)
Asassinator [Elf] 6
Mikjail [Elf] 5
Dotsonator [Demon] 5
bbistudent [Barbarian] 3
degla [Elf] 4
Mistcloud [Elf] 5
haastie [Knight] 5
rrrk888 [Elf] 5
beershake [Knight] 5
StAnger [Barbarian] 6
croakyfrog [Necromancer] 5
Guiliman [Barbarian] 4
juevos [Wizard] 7
To build not only a bigger but also a better clan, our clan rule & judge-warning system is under discussion in our clan forum.

Make your contributions to our clan developement :)
we have more than 600 clanmates now.
Congratulations to our clan and our clanmates :)
Lambo [Elf] 6
Sekoto [Dark elf] 5
NarCz [Knight] 4
myspace [Barbarian] 6
fLiK [Wizard] 6
jason93 [Demon] 5
willtan [Dark elf] 9
YuseiFudo [Dark elf] 6
FeiThin [Necromancer] 4
DPhantom [Knight] 5
Gack [Necromancer] 4
NeonN [Elf] 9
hi can i join
for LozyAwesome:

sorry, I noticed that there are some suspect transfer in your log.

Plz read the game rules, and follow it first:

If there are no such transfers in one month, you may apply again.
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // No need to quote that.]
Supi [Knight] 4
Pirgos [Dark elf] 5
metalic [Elf] 5
ChooJeremy [Wizard] 3
JorGum [Dark elf] 8
frankini [Wizard] 4
lipnera [Necromancer] 6
Spiderarms [Elf] 4
johsen [Barbarian] 5
jordan1 [Barbarian] 7
Melena [Dark elf] 7
arnav1111 [Dark elf] 5

aka47 [Elf] 4
Jsn99 [Dark elf] 5
twirl [Necromancer] 5
navsin [Wizard] 6
muadzman [Elf] 3
dharak [Elf] 5
tristan29 [Knight] 7
restrictedmic [Dark elf] 5
hazrain99 [Elf] 4
dJorsh [Elf] 6
the_dark_roque [Knight] 4
Good News:

To help our clan enchanters grow their skills
To help our clanmates get enough and cheaper elements for enchanting
To help our clanmates sell their elements to get quick cash
Our Clan Elements Market & Elements Donation System is in running from now on. :)
welcome to:

SlowDave [Elf] 9
Chiki40 [Dark elf] 4
kimpy [Elf] 6
misself09 [Elf] 5
CheeZBall [Dark elf] 7
Champions [Elf] 5
Elfz [Elf] 3
JPLinII [Necromancer] 7
yourface [Knight] 3

Ardack1 [Dark elf] 4
Arkalyte [Elf] 5
demonlord1369 [Elf] 5
gell [Elf] 4
THE_REAL_CONAN [Barbarian] 5
overlord144 [Elf] 4
coolj [Knight] 6
fruckus [Demon] 3
DEATH_HEAD [Necromancer] 4
wggba22 [Demon] 4

garaasand [Elf] 5
chrno89 [Elf] 4
DragonRage [Knight] 5
knights123 [Knight] 4
sampsa [Knight] 5
6116h [Demon] 4
rahulkaira [Necromancer] 5
megamagical88 [Elf] 6
straightpimpen [Dark elf] 3
omarramoomar [Dark elf] 5
Congratulations to the Best Jewel enchanter in game:)
yjfish --> 3x14% Jewelcrafter
Congratulations to yjfish in Gratitudes and congratulations forum :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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