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Experience, Leveling and the Game Purpouses...


AuthorExperience, Leveling and the Game Purpouses...
I am playing this game for some months. I reached level 3 very fast, winning many duels, group fights and such. When I got to lv 3, I realized that is considered "bad" to get much experience, mainly on early game.

Well, I started to do like all the other players who dont have very high levels and lots of income. Every time I connect the game, I do a hunt and write a code. I don´t play with other online players, except for hunting, where sometimes ppl pass actions to don´t kill much creatures and get less experience. The gameplay became very boring, close to stacked. The objective that should be interact, win other players on face to face games. Instead of that, I kill monsters on predicted batles and try to get another much more dificult guild level on laborers, hunters, etc.

First time I saw the game, I thougt it was the best game online, since it was like others games I saw, but not with massive online players. I really thougt it would change my view about online games, making other games seems like real crap. This was until I reach level 3 and realized I was going "too fast" on batles and experience.

My advice about this is to make DEEP modifications on the game, and maybe starting other server with entirely new objective focus. It should really be the most played game on the internet, but if the players stay for months on same level killing same hunts, it will never be what it could, with the potential of this battle engine.

If admins think this post is not for this section, move it to another, but please dont erase.

Thank you.
you got all wrong the purpose of working and hunting is only till lvl 3 after lvl 3 your free to do all what you whant
getting much exp isnt that bad...
Very often I see players defending the way this game works. I realize they cant see beyond theyr eyes and imagine a game that could benefit those who show best strategies and smartness. I have no issues with the diamonds, all the games do things such this and this one is not so unfair on benefits, but the game resumes in hunt and write codes. Anyone disagree to this?
It looks like you haven't done any Mercenary Missions yet. Go to Yellow Lake and give them a shot.

Also, getting a thief invite isn't that had, and adds a new type of battle that you can do.

In the beginning the game is all about hunts, but later on there are many more aspects of play. Besides it's possible you were not around for some of the tournaments. I'm sure there will be more as soon as the admins are finished working on .ru.
you have a point there...

i can only talk for myself, but the game became much more fun and entertaining when i just threw over board all strategical thinking about how fast or slow one should level up...

besides: playing it "the right way" gives you an advantage - but not a very big one... you'll have one, two, maybe three more stat-points... so what =) for this points ppl sacrifice fun? not in my book...

so my advice: just play it for fun - any other way is a waste of time (imho)
But she definately has a point. You do 20-50 games against NPC compared to 1 game against player to be able to fight with other players on higher levels.

Hunters' guild: 5 (831.06) +368.9
Laborers' guild: 5 (1516) +1484
Thieves' guild: 4 (423) +177
Mercenaries' guild: 3 (445) +155

1600 NPC battles..not normal. Just check the combat log of any random player in top 100..there are weeks of thieve,thieve,hunt,merc,thieve,thieve system.
i think the main problem is,that the amount of exp and the amound of sp you get after a fight isn't equal to each other..if you would they would increase in the same relation,only with penealty if you lose or bonus vor pvp(cause i a way you only benefit in the way of exp and sp,but you lose money in a way)..maybe then there wouldn't be so much players leaving the game after 3/5 :o) it's just a suggestion of me here..
also a thing that bothers me is the fact you're getting exp as well if you assist hunting..but thats a personal issue^^
It looks like you haven't done any Mercenary Missions yetAlso, getting a thief invite isn't that had

ok, mercenaries (NPC battles), thieves guild (WOW, one pvp batte)

If it is that Fun, well.........
well, im not to sure what exacly you are askng admins to do about this "problem". but i can assure you that they will NOT change the formulas for exp/sp
cut the crap bout you need to be at least this lv that lv in this that guild

he is lv 9, but he has only 60+ points in hunter guild, thats only lv 2 and lesser than most lv 4+

only 500+ enrols till now, and he still have his units, without cheating nor diamonds exchange

i checked and he started the game, if i'm not mistaken, around january

so you are free to enjoy this game whichever way you like!
for Straws:
he got his gold from roulette ;p
Mostly through renting items from his clanmates.

The main question in this game is, what is the objective? To win tournaments and special events? Haven't been any of those in a couple of months. To beat up people in the arena? Well, then you need a good mix. To level as quickly as possible? Then keep doing what you've been doing, and don't worry about guilds. If you get a couple of levels through arena fights, that makes the hunts and merc quests much easier.

Levelling up slowly gives you an advantage over somebody who's levelling up, quickly, sort of. If you've spent 1000 hours here and are level 5, and you're fighting somebody who's spent 500 hours here and is level 5, you have an advantage. If you've spent 1000 hours here and are level 5 and he's spent 1000 hours here and is level 8, then obviously he has an advantage but because most fights are level based, that doesn't happen much.

There's nothing keeping you from playing it the way you have been. If some people spent forever at a certain level gaining an advantage, well, don't fight them.
Crap, ban me. This is Urgone, didn't realize I was signed on as my alt.
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-05-17 06:19:22 // At your request. Post with your main.]
For now till the end, max PvP till level 10 ends = 2 per combat level .. :) It is purposed that u concentrate on working, hunting and Mercenaries, and do not forget, level 6 starts, Do Thieves guild .. :)
First, just in case people haven't noticed, the TOP 100 players list people with most experience, not faction points. Having plenty of skill points is perhaps nice, but secondary for sure. Don't tell me that someone having faction level 6 will always win a duel against someone with faction level 5. This is simply not true. There is one "faction gaps" with Wizards and triple mini-arts, but that's the exception rather than the norm.

People struggling to get more faction points at the expense of experience are missing what this game is about - in its official rankings at least.

Just check the combat log of any random player in top 100..there are weeks of thieve,thieve,hunt,merc,thieve,thieve system.

You miss the point. Low level players have it easy: they can make group battles as often as they wish. High level players can't because the player base is too low. They have to rely on PvM games to play, as simple as that.

Even better, since PvM games bring only 20% of normal experience, top 100 players gain experience much slower than people racing to reach them. It's another smart design of this great game.
Kotrin rly has a point there if u get high lvl too fast (past lvl 10) then u wont find that many ppl to play groups with. :) If u dont like hunts do whatever u want. Having a good strategy and tactics will help u beat ppl with few stat points advantage.
to add on to 16 & 17: at higher levels, it is even more difficult to ask for hunt assist, simply because not many exist to help you.....so enjoy the large company while it lasts :)
^^ Every level of each faction have it's own advantage, so whether you want level up or not its entirely up to you.
To be a very good player, u should have good stats too, and one of them u get is Racial .. :) it is important, very important, the bonus I mean .. :) also hunting that will ADD ur ATTACK, MG, TG, etc .. But if u do not like to level up slow, then u should keep doing Group Battles, if u loose, u still have a lot of SP and Exps .. :)
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