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AuthorSwine Flu
So does anyone else believe that this is one of the signs of the rapture?
Sure it is.... along with the last 1000 signs that has happened in past years. The rapture says disease and then we interpret that as all the diseases in human history. The rapture says earthquake, then we think every major quake is a sign. etc. etc.
a week a go it took its first life and its spreding around england about 2/3 people have got it

hope it isnt in east yourshire
if it is one of the signs
we can at least comfort ourselves that we now already known whats happening
wow, Mexico is one of the place of swine flu infects, danger!
if we survive this we will lose a lot of people and we might lose our famaly or u chold die
The leader of an international team helping Mexico face down the swine flu outbreak said it should soon learn whether the epidemic is really stabilizing in Mexico, but that many key questions about how the disease kills still need to be answered.

Dr. Steve Waterman, the head of a team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also warned against taking false comfort from the fact that only one person has died outside Mexico, saying more deaths are likely as the epidemic evolves.

"That is the big question: Is it stabilizing or not? And it is too early to say, but I think we are getting systems in place where we are going to be able to get a handle on this soon," Waterman, standing amid CDC doctors and specialists at the Mexico City nerve center where officials are confronting the outbreak, said Friday.

Mexican officials have been cautiously optimistic that the worst is over here, even as the government took additional protective measures Friday by beginning a five-day shutdown of all nonessential government and private business.
Scores more schools shut down around the country because of the swine flu virus at week's end and Education Secretary Arne Duncan offered tips to teachers and students on how to deal with classroom interruptions.

Federal officials closely watched developments as at least two dozen new cases of swine flu were reported.

President Barack Obama, whose administration has taken a high profile to offer reassurances and advice about the threat, expressed hopes the swine flu will run its course "like ordinary flus." Health officials suggested the virus now appears less ominous than it did at first.

"I'm optimistic that we're going to be able to manage this effectively," Obama said Friday. But he said the federal government is preparing as if the worst is still to come so that it won't be caught flat-footed.
Key developments on swine flu outbreaks, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, and government officials:

_Deaths: 16 confirmed in Mexico and one confirmed in U.S., a 21-month-old boy from Mexico who died in Texas.

_Confirmed sickened worldwide, 715: 443 in Mexico; 170 in U.S.; 52 in Canada; 15 in Spain; 13 in Britain; six in Germany; four in New Zealand; two in Israel, France and South Korea; one each in Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Hong Kong, Denmark and the Netherlands.

_U.S. confirmed cases: New York 50; Texas 28; California 24; South Carolina 16; New Jersey seven; Massachusetts eight; Maine six; Arizona four; Delaware four; Indiana three; Illinois three; Kansas two; Colorado two; Virginia two; Michigan two; Florida two; Ohio one; Connecticut one; Kentucky one; Missouri one; Minnesota one; Nebraska one; Nevada one.
The swine flu virus has infected the immigration debate, with talk show comments like "fajita flu" and "illegal aliens are the carriers" drawing vehement protests from Hispanic advocates.

The volatile immigration issue had cooled off on talk shows and in the blogosphere as the presidential election and economic crisis unfolded. Now, some are using the spread of the virus to renew arguments that immigration from Mexico is a threat to America.

There have been no reports of swine flu leading to incidents of discrimination or profiling of Hispanics. But some Hispanics say racist anti-immigration rhetoric fueled the recent rise in hate crimes against Latinos, and they want to prevent another surge.

Since the virus began to spread, talk radio host Michael Savage has said the Mexican border should be closed immediately and that "illegal aliens are the carriers." Another radio personality, Neal Boortz, has suggested calling the virus the "fajita flu," and CNN's Lou Dobbs called it the "Mexican flu," according to the liberal watchdog group Media Matters.
Mexico reported no new deaths from swine flu overnight _ more reason to be optimistic that the worst is over at the epicenter of the outbreak. But the virus keeps spreading around the world, with new cases confirmed in Europe and Asia, and governments banning flights and preparing quarantines.

The World Health Organization said it has sent 2.4 million treatments of anti-flu drug Tamiflu to 72 developing countries, taking the drugs from a stockpile donated by Roche Holding AG.

"At this point it's important that all countries have access to antivirals," said Dr. Mike Ryan, WHO's global alert and response director.

The WHO has decided not to raise its alert to a full pandemic, since the virus has yet to cause sustained transmission outside North America. But Ryan warned against complacency.
The calendar says 2009, but our fears say it is 1918.

The front page tells us about Mexico, and a new strain of influenza that has killed more than a dozen people there and spread to the United States and Europe and Asia.

But our dire imaginations take us back to another contagion in another century. Victims sometimes died within hours, blood coursing from noses and mouths; coffins piled high on city streets. Worldwide, multitudes succumbed _ 40 million, 100 million, no one knows for sure.

Could it all be unfolding again?

Could it all be unfolding again?

i hopenot

*gasp* D:
hope so i am so sick of man
i playd this game on the internet (dunno the site)it was were u were a new illness and u spred then started takeing live u evolved and was airborn and waterborn u had to kill everyone in the world with your new illness
for lukeman56789:
u want to die?
nope i want the infection of man 2 die
for lukeman56789:
Drakelord, that game was pandemic one or two.
for Bramblethorn:
thanks i did not know what name it was or were i playd it
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