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AuthorTransfer Elements
Hi all,

What is Transfer Element? - https://www.lordswm.com/el_transfer.php

- Is this where u can sell/transfer arts to other players?

- If yes, is it to any players, or must I, or the other player, be of a certain lvl before I can sell?

- In the drop down box for the "Select the element type", my box is empty. Why is this so?

- In "Specify transfer type:", what does "Transfer to receiver's disposal" means?

-at the bottom, there is a clickable "To inventory »»", which will bring me to my inventory page. Why do I need to go there? What do I do after I get to my inventory page?

Thanks in advance. :)

Blur Knight.
1. were you can transfer elements you get from mg quests

2. no you can transfer to any lvl

3. you dont have elements

4. its become his

2. level 3+ only, below cant use transfer service

4. it becomes a pending offer, he needs to accept it and then its his.
Ahh.. okie, tx for the answers, guys.

So elements don't include arts like swords and shields etc? Those can't be transferred/sold/traded?
Ermm.. can someone give me an example of an element?

Isn't it stuff like wood, ore etc? But those are already covered in the first transfer page when u click on "transfer", no?

Stoopid Knight
scroll down till mercenary guild
Elements are things like moonstone, witch bloom, wind flower, toadstool, tiger's claw...
You got them from Mercenary Guild sometimes for successful quests.
you can transfer arts by going into inventory and click "transfer" on each art
you can sell both arts and elements on market
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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