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AuthorIs AFK break the rule?
For example, I create a game requiring 8 AP. Someone join with full arts. Then I go afk.

Is that allowed or not? I don't like AFK and I never did it once. But if someone have the intention to ruin my game, I'd like to have a way to fight back.

Any suggestion except wearing full arts myself? (I like group battle but I don't have much time to do labor and hunt)
Going AFK isn't a rule break; but will result in dmaging your repututation
I like my reputation and don't want to damage it. Maybe I write in the description that I'll go AFK if anyone join with full arts, but I actually don't.
I write in the description that I'll go AFK if anyone join with full arts, but I actually don't.

I think it's like treathening.
if people can afford the arts then they can use them. u r allowed to join with full arts it may be a bit sly but you dont need to go afk to punish that person especially seing as it punishes people who are abiding by the rules especiallt going afk on ur team mate. that it is just nasty and i think no matter what the circumstances u should never deliberately afk unless absolutely necessary.
No, it does not .. :)

closed by Lord MasterTI (2009-05-09 17:07:27)
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