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Authoram i the only one experiencing problems?
for over an hour now i experience extreme lag, the map won't load, some pictures have to be activated manualy and each and every site (but only for LoWM - all other internet sites with games, movies etc have no probleme) needs to be loaded 3-5 minutes...

but nobody else seem to have this probleme... am i right?

does someone know what the probleme could be? the only thing i did was to put my connecting cable for the internet into my laptop and afterwards back into my computer (i play from computer).

i'm very thankful for hints and suggestions.
I also facing the same problem for about 7 hours. From 02:00 until 09:00 server time. Loading slow.
so it's probabely a server problem? anyone else having such problems?
I didnt do any combats except last few hours but it seems to be working as usual outside combats at least.
Dun think its a server problem, as I havn't experience any lag at all. Or are there several servers?
that's so strange... every internet site seems to work normaly and without problems, except LoWM. i just checked the time needed for loading: for the recruiting page it took over 4 minutes!

i don't have much insight in computers, so my question to ya all: where could the probleme be? is it my computer, the connection or the server? what could i do or at least try to fix that anoying state?

Thx a lot!
I also find same kind of problem. Only LWM loading got problem. Other site dont have problem. Check with other player, they say they dont have problem. I think only certain area got this kind of problem.
hmmm... i live in switzerland.... but that's even stranger, cause i thought there is only one server (is it?).
where do ya two live then?
I live at Malaysia. The time I facing loading problem, I check with MasterTI (England) and he dont have problem.
for china_blue99:
but now your lag is over, right? did you do something special or just wait till it ended?
the time I facing problem is at office. Try everything still cant solve the problem.

Now I online at home and dont have problem. Cant find what cause the problem.
i tried the russian server - no problem there...

but .com... =(
Got no problems, with neither .ru nor .com

i hope that explains why i have problems... =) hopehopehope...
still no change... pages seem to need even longer to load now...

please, if someone has an idea how to solve this problem then tell me, i'm very frustrated right now...

Got no problems, with neither .ru nor .com
it's over! as fast as it came it went again...

i still wonder what it was. i have absolutely no idea. i have a good computerand a fast conection. Every other page worked just fine and without problemes, even the russian server. and nobody else (one exeption) seemed to have similar problems. i'm clueless...

but whatever, everything is back to normal now.

thx to everybody that tried to help.
closed by Zarebrant (2009-05-21 21:53:15)
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