Author | Top scores for level 10! |
demon lev 10
attempt 5
rest 2 and 6 sphinx |
92737, necro |
hey demons! What's your score? Mine just around 60k on first unlucky attempt. Does anybody here?)) |
Amount of attempts: 7 (6)
Highest score: [Demons] 58057 |
>93000, wizzzzz |
Any other Knights care to show their scores???:D |
demon 68582
Amount of attempts: 7 (3) |
necro: 38446 (((( |
Barb: 43851
6th attempt :( |
wiz, 52191
3rd attempt |
Highest score: [Dark elf] 44556 |
Amount of attempts: 7 (5)
Highest score: 76037
demon |
180,000 - Dark elf
(just kidding) |
Any elf reached angels ? |
Participants level: 10 - Elf
Challenge type: Survival
Highest score: 50165 |
Amount of attempts: 7 (7)
Highest score: [Necromancer] 84928 |
85354 (necro) |
Demon lv.10 59613 |
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: [Demon] 81582 |
Amount of attempts: 7 (6)
Highest score: [ELF] 58377
just cant find a way how to pass angels and minos |