Author | Top scores for level 10! |
Im a knight and got to wave 11 and died!
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score:[Knight] 38796
Whats your highscores so for level 10 |
Im a necromancer ang got to wave 12 and died as well
4x9 Sphynx Warriors
Amout of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Necromancer] 44819 |
got my score higher
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: [Necromancer] 47461 |
Died on wave 11, made some realy wrong moves against sphynxes..
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [ELF] 43879 |
I did a little better... but the Merc. warriors are to fast for me:D hehe
Amount of attempts: 7 (3)
Highest score:[Knight]39110 |
necro level 10: 59311 :) |
1. look 57200 |
Knights lack the power of "no retailation"...:( |
Again, Necros dominate the tourneys coz of the raise .. :) and the miss of the ghosts .. :) |
With MIN AP : 6498 Exps, 1.16 SP and 16245 Scores .. :)
humm not bad .. just lost against Vampiric lizards, Hell horses, cubs and wolfs .. :) |
Any barbs around? I did 40788 in my 2nd attempt. Working hard to get it close to the necs :) |
44126 |
wait now 51796 |
20606 ... now .. :) with MIN AP still .. :) |
73190 |
People posting here should mention their FACTION as well... Duh |
any elfs passed sphynxes? |
elf 10, died wave 13, 47.779 score |
38853 knight |
38,751 score - Barbarian |