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Authorbuying buildings
i think that it will be good if you could buy buildings in ur castle before u reach the lvl that u need to build it. for example: im lvl 7. i can only buy shrews on lvl 8 (if i don't use diamonds) and probably i won't have the money that i have right now to build it by the time i get to lvl 8. so if i could buy the building right now but only be able to use the shrews on lvl 8 it would be much better
probably i won't have the money that i have right now to build it by the time i get to lvl 8

this doesn't make any sense at all. if you could buy the building now, why can't you buy it later? you can put aside the gold and resources needed until you reach lvl 8. or are you saying you don't have the discipline to not touch the resources till you hit lvl 8?
this doesn't make any sense at all. if you could buy the building now, why can't you buy it later?

because i will probably spend all the gold before i'll get to lvl 8
for Pantheon:
I'm saying i don't have the discipline to not touch the resources till you hit lvl 8?

and i'm probably not the only person here like that
yeah well the game is about managing money hence lords of war and MONEY so if you dont like that well then hard luck. you need to learn to control your cash flow
if you could buy the building now, why can't you buy it later?

he likes roulette hehe
yeah right now i have 0 gold while i had 50k yesterday. this is what im talking about...
I have suggested this before and it was hated. Now it's ur turn to recurve the beating.

I like the idea though +1
I have another idea : Lesson or Classes for Managing your money, or class for roulette addict
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