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No Chat in ambush?


AuthorNo Chat in ambush?
to trufleshufle13:

I think what he was trying to say is : Dont push the laughing to far, its only a game and its real people behind the screen, with feelings. You can be happy to win, thats ok, but rubbing it in the face of the player is just too much IMHO.

As for winning against a less equipped player, I imho, wouldnt be screaming out loud : I won, in your face : since it wasnt a fair matchup, no need to be proud of it.
i have a theory to why you can't see the names, but i have no idea if it's even partly true.
i think it's because that the thiefs biggest advantage is that he has a lot more possibilities to settle his troops in different ways, and if the victim could see the thiefs name, he could check his combat log, and find out how he is most likely to settle his troops, and thereby eliminate that advantage.
MrNiceGuy :

Nice theory, its totally plausible
#22 i have to agree :)

when i had more than one hero, and this was my multi, i used to login with my multi in different browser, go to battles page and find out what is thief's identity. then i'd check his combat log etc. yes, i found a way to partially eliminate thief's advantage :D

for trufleshufle13:

about my previous comment. well, not evil for real. don't take it too seriously :)

but i believe that it is just another guild, and this is just another game :)

every fantasy game has an "evil" or "bad" guild and in this one it is the thieves guild

if there's anything evil about TG it's the rule that game creators made up. rule that you have to bother players that are on merc quest in order to progress further. on the other hand TG is very rewarding, and there's nothing rewarding about not joining it, so you can expect everyone to play it at one point. in a world where everyone is thief, is it really evil? in order to have evil you gotta have the opposite - good :)

and when i set an ambush, i am ever so grateful to those players traveling without army.. in my opinion, they are the good guys, and since i always go around full, i'm the bad guy. you wanna laugh at poor thieves? you're the ultimate bad guy :P
"you wanna laugh at poor thieves?"-this sounds like a joke when taken out of context

Thieves, they are there to steal my gold, didn't succeed. if i play a duel, win or lose i always show my opponent respect. but when i get ambushed by someone trying to steal my gold its only a human reaction to be more then usually happy about winning.

you make a good point with the everyone being thieves so its hard to call it evil. but for you to call people who protect themselves evil is just a little too much.

i dont want anyone taking my gold. 1 gold or 1000 gold. i earned it. so if you wanna take it from me you are going to have to try. dont look at me as if im evil because i dont want you taking it.

hey, korzika, can i have 75 gold? if you say no ill take it from you, and if you protect yourself you are just being evil. do you see how this doesn't make sense.
and to any mods that are about to close this can you please just move it to and appropriate thread, my question was kinda answered and now its just and interesting convo, so please resist your strong urges to close to this thread and just move it

i believe some of you have good points its just your looking at it from the wrong light. im not saying to taunt to a crazy extent, but you have to see the irony in feeling bad for the thieves.
by someone trying to steal my gold

if you ask by a simple mail, thieves more than often return the stolen gold.
no need to get worked up about the stolen gold.
and there are many thieves out there who return the gold even without being asked.
if i see that, it would be a different story, but i have yet to see that.
Try asking.
closed by Shebali (2009-06-06 22:43:06)
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