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AuthorMercenary quest history
Would it be possible to have a log of merc quests or thieves in teh same way as with the hunters guild.
I find I will get a mecenary quest like an army of barbarians, and want to know how hard it might be by looking at the last one of that type I fought, though this may be a long time ago, and have no way of sorting though except manually looking through combat logs.

I guess this would be useful for thieves guild as well, though I am not a thief yet so cannot tell.

Alternatively a filter or search on your history could be better, you would then be able to filter for all head to heads v certain players etc, though I would imagine that would involve more effort on teh admins to set up.

Many thanks for your considerations

great idea !

good idea better say GREAT !!!
+1kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I need it realy much :D
great idea im all for it
+1kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I need it realy much :D
Nice idea :)
Good idea.
I agree it is a good idea! :)
+1 but without monsters and raids..it would be too complex I think.
+100 need it a lot
Agree .. ^^
already suggested, but what the heck

[ supersonic scream ] ayayayayaya

Agree!! :-)
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