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AuthorAds in game
I love this game without ads, but they could put some advertisments to improve cash flow in.
With cash flow in more updates will be availabe.

NOTE: i`m not saying now this game need to tunt in to "MFA" (Made for adsence) page but reasonable adds, like google could be somewhere ingame.

What you think about it?

If you need to choos - few updates in 1/2 year without ads, or every month somthing new with ads in game?

Also when creatures starts to speak (in hunts) they could say some short advert texts.
Like: New ringtones avaialble on www.ringtones.com
It will be much better than annouying text each time.

What you think?
good idea. But the ads could get really annoying later on.
No ads please! I love this game without ads.
Ohh yes forgot something...
There are couple game where supporters do not see ads, so they could invent it here it as well. If you donated something you will not see any ads, (for example 1 diamond = 1 month without ads) so you buy upgrade for creature and you play free game of ads for a year.

The ads shouldn't be annoying (not too much, but just a bit) there is quite a lot of page reload so it could generate a steady money...
Like the idea of creatures advertising
I like this idea. Therefore, admins can use the money for this game :P
a nice place to put ads would be in the castle screen there's a LOT of unused space
good idea as long they doesent comes in battle screen
ads would be lame.

In any case, the roulette keeps tons of diamonds coming into this server...don't be fooled.
it would be good to put ads on the homepage.
but it would be nice to have more updates since ads would bring in more money
i would like some ads for more updates!
Just a small one along the top would be nice
no ads please
boo! your idea is wrong
I don't mind at all with ads or anything else which can gain more real money for this game, as long as this game is still free for us and can make this game hire someone(s) to take care and improve this server.
boo! your idea is wrong

lol, you make a good argument.
The smartest thing to do, really, is to make the upgraded units cheaper...more people would buy them.

I used to buy a lot of my units with Diamonds (back when they cost 10-25 each) but now they cost 35+ each...it is madness. I am not tempted in the least to spend that much on a unit now lol. But if they were 10-20 diamonds I honestly, probably would, and there must be over a thousand players on this server with the same feeling.
LordsWM is an non- commercial project, it is a free online service from gamers, for gamers. - This is what it says on the front page.

Doesn't non-commercial mean no ads? If I am right ( Which I hope I am :P ) it should stay that way. One of the reasons I chose this game was so I didn't have to have big ugly ads staring out at me all day long.
"an non- commercial project"

did u copy this? xD it's A non commercial

#1 if you want to improve LWM cash flow you can use your credit card.
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