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#19 Explain how this is done
very simple, log in with an alt in another window, check the battle page, there, you got it, in case you dont have an alt, then just ask someone else to check for you, try going to inquiry room
so you use an alt for your advantage? seems like rule breaking, but i guess rules are different for everyone, oh well.
i love to kill thieves :p
there is no rule that states alt cant view the battle page, and alt are said for familiarizing the other faction, that gives the you advantage too when you play against those factions right?
#19 , 21 , 22 :
If you are the thief, Ctrl + click on the ennemy hero and then click (without Ctrl) on hero name. It will open the profil page of the hero.
No alt needed.

well, from "about the game":

3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("multichars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, ASSISTS IN COMBAT or enrollment) are forbidden.

caps r mine, since what u r doin with ur alt can be logically considered as a assist in combat.
Sorry for double post.
I just figured out you were talking about the victim.
Guess i need some sleep...

"assist in combat" is referring to enter in the same combat. no rule breaking if you use an alt just to see some characteristics.

for all:

your combat is registered after and clicking on the stats of the thief won't bring you anywhere (at least it didn't work for me). what else? as i said, the thief stats are enough because you can see what characteristics/arts he/she has without looking at his profile. so, what's left? the initiative (which can be seen only if the hero has higher TG level and faction level).
ofc nobody is goin to report u for that, just bein strictly :P. Anyway, don't expect sympathy for such techniques...


the only thing that could help is bcuz that way u can see the composition of thief troops before combat starts, other way u can't. Anyway, i think ambushes r done in that way for somethin, if chat is neglected and u cant see thief name until end of combat is for some reason IMO

the chat is on purpose missing there not to hear complaints from the players about cursing each other. and i was watching friends ambushing, but i couldn't see the composition of their troops before the combat to start.
i dont explayed well misself, i was talkin about the "alt technique" posted above, lettin u see the composition of thief troops is the advantatge u gain above just control-click
exactly, that becomes somebody's only way to earn exp/fsp, since they cannot win hunting, MG, TG, and small chance in group battles.

You still remember group battles? I think the last one you fought was in November 08.
"assist in combat" is referring to enter in the same combat. no rule breaking if you use an alt just to see some characteristics.

I don't know about the rule-breaking, but this is dishonorable to the point that I consider you a cheater. This is repulsive. If you do this, you'd learn a lot more than the player's profile.
yea think about it this way, can i see who is about to attack me, no and i only have one account, but you, have 2 accounts and CAN see who is attacking you and what they have.

sounds like an advantage that only people with multi accounts have.

when being ambushed, you can even see the name of the person who is attacking you, i believe there is a reason for that. now for what ever reason you cant see the name doesnt matter any more because you can.

but like i said, rules are different for everyone, can't really do anything about it.
you can even see can't*
I only have 1 acct and unless I really get bored with played as a knight, I can't foresee myself setting up a alt acct.

But to the point of discussion - If really wouldn't matter to me if I can see EVERYTHING about the thief who's ambushing me. Whether I know his stats, troops'composition, etc. coz... I really can't do much naked, and with 1 recruit I have tagging along when I travel. as a lot of thieves who have chanced upon me would testify. heh.. :D
i believe there is a reason for that


I have been aware of this trick for a while. Many times when I'm ambushed, I wish I know who this person is, because, after being so many times, I have come to know each player's style, and how he/she would likely set up his/her troops. I know using an alt would reveal this info to me and give me a huge advantage. But I refuse to stoop so low. I refuse to create a second character for this purpose.

If you read the rules carefully, it says that,

3.10. It is allowed to create additional characters to familiarize yourself with features of other factions.

Clearly, using an alt for the purpose of gaining an advantage in battles fits nowhere in this rule, no matter how you rationalize or justify it.
Hey, guys, please, teach me how can you see who is ambushing before the combat is over because, really, I don't see your point. I checked your theories by trying to see more stats about the thieving hero starting from the combat area (I knew who was ambushing because it was a friend of mine, but from the browser combat tab, I wasn't able to reach the char page of my friend). Whatever you do, the thief character page you _cannot_ reach it before the combat is over.

No advantage coming from having multi in this case.

Whenever you are ambushed by a thief, open a new window and log in using your alternate account. Click "battles" and you will see a list of all the current battles which have just started. Ctrl-F and search for your ambushed character name and voila, you just found your fellow thief's profile.

Alternatively, just ask one of your friends to search the profile for you =)
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