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Author5000 messages w00t
So which one is it... So many options! :o
F = fail! i like how your school thinks
We have no F's here, 0f course F is 0 like dizbe said
Those are marks grade, not options =.=" when you get 100 marks yo get A
my class mate mate once got a c and he thought c=commit suicide
enchanted gargs are cheaters, they don't burn :(
C is for card game
A = ambush?
D = duel?
Just a 'maybe'

A : Advanced
B : Better
C : Can
D : Dire
E : Enshaming
50 more! Thanks for rusing guys, now i can go for the steal ;)
i'm in the mood of losing battles today O.o
It will be our unfortunate doom that the world wide web crashes.. errr world wide? And we all miss out on the 5000th post.
I wish i got 5 A's so my father would buy me a laptop! and i can Dota all day long with my older brother!
for gurumao:
your caravans are easy o_O still
Laptop Pwnz!

lock this thread on 5kth post hehe
my cd key got banned from battle.net because i was using a latency reducer -.-
Getting ever closer to the finish line!
selling equilibrium blades, especially when you are in here and have 1 AoL (joke)
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