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AuthorDoes the Matix have you, or are you a Blacksheep
if you are NOT a mindless drone like the rest of these "oh I"m so sad micheal jackson the potential child rapist but I don't care cuz he makes me wanna dance is dead" then hit up this thread.

This is not a anti micheal jackson thread, well not totally, but an anti matrix thread. The matrix does not have me. I will voice my opinion wether it be popular (which it usually ain't)or not and could care less who's 'feelings' get hurt.

Are you a blacksheep? Do you find that you are constantly at odds with the majority of the flock? Does your mouth get you in trouble becuase you refuse to not speak your mind?

I would prefer that mindless masses not hit this up, but it is inevitable that they will. But then again I hope they do, maybe one of them may actually voice an original opinion and break away from the matix.

Alpha BlachSheep out.
BlachSheep lol
oh I"m so happy micheal jackson the potential child rapist is dead
And another flaming topic :-)
Long time blacksheep here, checking in.
Waging war against political correctness in any form.
A classic leftist tactic is to use labels because they can't debate certain subjects. Leftists are sheep.
I am against 30 million Mexicans who are in the USA illegally. They tax our schools and hospitals. Immigrants are more than welcome legally and we do take in a lot every year, probably too many.
Instead of debating the facts a leftist will call me a xenophobe or a racist. California is broke and illegal immigration has a large part to play.
Another tactic used by leftists on this issue is to claim " You are all immigrants unless you are native American."
America was conquered at a time the whole world lived by the sword. You saw, you desired, you conquered. No race can be excluded if Europeans who came to the New World are to be charged guilty. This is human history.
Now there are laws against this sort of thing so the immigration law must be adhered to or our society will eventually break down.

I agree with Lucid. People need to break away from the Matrix. I may be disliked in many circles for my views but at least I am not a lemming.
And you are those who are breaking Matrix? Doing what? Thinking that your problems are caused by immigrants and the that real monster on the surface of the planet is Michael Jackson...

Dude, you have to exit from Matrix to see it. You are inside it up to your hairs!

Do you really think you are not politically corret? ^_________^

This is soooooo funny! You live like a sheep and maybe you even think that there is "democracy" into your country. Blind sheeps that are not even able to see the borders of the fence.
You hate the immigrants and you believe politicians, bankers and economists. You point the finger vs a singer that has done nothing right to you and you don't blame presidents who killed thousands of your peoples doing crazy wars for oil, or those who are living their lives like kings because of YOUR money an YOUR work.

But don't worry! The Puppets Masters aren't able to see the borders of the bigger fence in which even they are living. It's called Earth and she is quite bored abuot us!

You "break away from Matrix" and you are religious. In the XXI century, in an industrialized country like USA... I'm soo happy to know that there are smart guys like you! Save us from Matrix!
Beware, I'm ready to ban anyone going off-limit - some are already close.
Well this is getting interesting. ))
for Kotrin: I know, sorry Kotrin. But I didn't started this. As a moderator you have all the right to delete my posts and/or ban me. I hope I will not pass that limit. I don't want it.
for Vonemar:
This is soooooo funny! You live like a sheep and maybe you even think that there is "democracy" into your country. Blind sheeps that are not even able to see the borders of the fence.
You hate the immigrants and you believe politicians, bankers and economists. You point the finger vs a singer that has done nothing right to you and you don't blame presidents who killed thousands of your peoples doing crazy wars for oil, or those who are living their lives like kings because of YOUR money an YOUR work.

I hate the immigrants? No, I don't but of course as I already wrote, anyone who backs legal immigration is denounced by a name. In this case it's "hater."
There are those who want to do harm to America and we can't have open borders and remain safe. We can't tax our systems to the point that they break down.
Thanks for proving my point.
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // Removed unnecessary comment.]
for Kotrin: I know, sorry Kotrin. But I didn't started this. As a moderator you have all the right to delete my posts and/or ban me. I hope I will not pass that limit. I don't want it.

Well, I think this is just too flammable stuff even for the off-topic forum. So I guess I can close now.
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-06-30 18:59:05)
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