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AuthorMe Nottingham chalenge MasterTI for duel
Im level 6 , i have lost few group battles becouse of AFK - hate this word
topic will be closed when i duel MasterTI - its only updated when i level up
thats not very good the longer it take the better =P

more money more hutners guild more laborers guild more faction lvl

so its kinda like bragging that you got a job at mcdonalds

I love this post !! :)
Any mods can close this topic now =)

And why would they want to that ? What rules is this topic breaking ?
Keep going man:) and let me know when you hit Lv8 I want to duel ya
well good luck and we all are with u and win
good luck! May the force be with you. jiaoyoujiyou ur crashing up the list
It looks like MasterTI has left the game - what will you do now? : )
maybe you could battle Kusika?
he is back
I think he won't fight with you, because he don't read your challenge. I wrote to MasterTI "How are you" and he don't reply (i know, that can sound like "give me gold", but i don't want gold from anyone). He can not receive mails from lower lvl players...
I think he won't fight with you, because he don't read your challenge. I wrote to MasterTI "How are you" and he don't reply (i know, that can sound like "give me gold", but i don't want gold from anyone). He can not receive mails from lower lvl players...


Im level 7 , i have finished TGI level 2 , it cost loads of loses :( also doing a gamblers guild for free drinks ;)
for Nottingham: you just play a few battles in every day and you want to catch up with MasterTI? I hope MasterTI will play this game for another 2 years. :)
YES ! his on 14 , his not going anywhere :D
Slow down, your poorness does not allow you to catch up with MasterTI any time soon =)
And your brainless does not allow to catch up with anyone soon ;)
Good Luck Nottingham
And your brainless does not allow to catch up with anyone soon ;)

Lol, verbal sledgehammer to hiddenshadow!

Although I am slightly pessimistic that you won't be able to do it, I pray you will!

In otherwords head says "Got no chance", heart says "GO NOTTINGHAM GO"!

You can do it nottingham
publicity stunt...
If u play elf u wont beat him no matter what lvl u get :)
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