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Authorreasons why Admin has disappeared
*he has the H1N1 virus
*he was on the Air France jet
*he was in the Shanghai building which collapsed earlier this week
*he's in North Korea disarming warheads
*he's in Iraq assisting the US forces withdrawal
*he's in Myanmar appealing for AuYung Suu Kyi's release
*he's in Myanmar (jail) cos he's the foreigner who visited AuYung
*he's helping bury Michael Jackson this weekend
*he helped bury Farrah Fawcett yesterday
*he's held in Thailand for questioning concerning David Carradine

*The virus is not as dangerous as it sounds..
*I remember there were no russians on board?
*Thought only a builder died in the collapse.
*They are not as dumb to suicide....
*Much imagination.
*What relationship do the admins have with Michael?
*Who is that?

* the admin is leveling up his multi !!
*No need.. level Empire instead..

*the admin has gone shopping with his wife and its taking him an eternity !
*he is playing in for the gland slam title at wimbledon !
*he has got a bad case of chicken pox( so he is not showing his face here )!
*he has been kidnapped by a level 5 coz he was finding it defficult to level up!
*he is watching ice age:dawn of the dinosaurs for the 50th time !

*Wow shopping freak!
*Which one is our admin(s)?
*Wow so you can see through the screen to the other side?
*Amusing.. NOT!
*I thought you said he is watching ice cream melt..

* he's making MasterTI angry because he can't have Deep Hydra's
* he died in the war in Vietnam

*Make them for him why would they leave..
*I wanna buy your time machine how much how much?
#5, #8, #9


so, is this the chosen one?
for hiddenshadow:
Thank u but this is supposed to be for fun !!
we are not doing something serious aroung here .....
and if you have got such an amazing sense of humour then ill surely like to see ur reasons ^^ which u hvnt been willing to write down !!
I don't find this insulting. It is amusing. These are possible reasons. Do not reflect any truth. Just try to keep insults out of it!

wow, amusing to say these things? ~.~
*MasterTI has kidnapped him cause he wants 5th tier upgrades (maybe a lvl 5)

it's gr8ly amusing us
Dionysus, what has happened to the thread ?
for Head-Shot:
Yes, it is. You seem to have a skewed sense of humor and you keep trying to be in charge when you're not. Cool down, everything's in control.

# Maybe the admin are hiding from a stalker that is here on COM
# Maybe the admin are busy learning English
# Maybe they are here and posing as one of the normal players to figure out how much we need our upgrades
*he has been banned by mods for 38 years for NOT flooding the forum
*he was made bankrupt by roulette and left the game
*he is busy programming poker into the game
*he is busy programming a casino into facilities
*he is busy altering the map to fit Vegas
he is playing counter-strike
- They just took a vacation on a sunny island in the northern emisphere.
- They are exploring aurora borealis to add new talents.
The biggest reason why admins seem to have disappeared is that, they are planning an _HUGE UPDATE_ for us!!~ 0:D

lol, just kidding... :)
*He was abducted by aliens
*He was infected by an alien parasite...
*He is hiding in Brazil along with Hitler and Michael BECAUSE
The feds are after him for creating an awesome game OR BECAUSE
His wife said that he spends too much time in front of the computer so he cheated on her and then his wife found out and since then she's after him all the time.
*He was hit by a freight train and the train was crushed so he has to do some explaining
*He tried to clone a human but a lightning hit the the clone causing major burns and the clone is after him
*He is planning to do the biggest heist in all history so he will fund .com and let .ru aside.

The biggest reason why admins seem to have disappeared is that, they are planning an _HUGE UPDATE_ for us!!~ 0:D

xa0xa0a0x0ax0 ROFL ,that made me laugh...
in order to disappear is somewhat necessary to have been ever present...
the admin get hit by car, something accidentally knocked on his head and then he got amnesia, he simply forgot that he had two server of heroes web game instead of one!
They are fighting Miracle Hydras. It is only truth.
in order to disappear is somewhat necessary to have been ever present... Arctic is admin and he was quite active (especially when the new rules were introduced). Before him, Alexander was pretty active in beating the higher level players challenging lower level players. ;)

- Admins are in the playful mood: they play hide and seek with us! :P
THEY are busy with russian server at the moment
that's not true, I think
Arctic have never been an admin. the topic is about "admins" as the project owners. they never gave him the right to truly run this server. and this imo was their biggest mistake as well as the main reason .com is in current condition. he became a member of the adm group about half an year after the server start :}

about Alexander... i've never seen him nor Maxim taking part in a question of present interest the way they do it in .ru.

i saw one battle where Alexander administered justice but he was more likely amusing himself or just learning some english...
*he moved to SILENT hill and thought the address was an instruction
ever considered the admin is a *she*?
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