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AuthorHelp in Merc
not sure if it has been suggested. but just like in hunts, you can ask for help in merc quests, allowing lower level players to do more merc quests at an earlier stage. the helper gets no gold and just a few exp points (or half of a merc point), but just like in hunts the chance of getting an art (or in this case element) is always there.

when you ask for help it could work exactly like a hunt by having a symbol pop up next to battles. maybe you would need a level 1 or 2 merc to get it or just reach a combat level or something along those lines.

i think this would add to the community aspect a little more.
Ya right. It would be cool but then it would lose the beauty of doing it alone.
Merc quests already are much easier than hunts and don't become way harder after every win like hunts.

I would like to add to the community aspect too, but if we add help, then I suggest a group merc quest guild where you can have 2, 3, maybe even 4 players together doing merc quests. These special merc quests would of course be very hard.
Merc quests already are much easier than hunts and don't become way harder after every win like hunts.

well yea so you would not ask for help. asking for help if you dont need it would only hurt you because you would only get half a merc point and less XP.

so if it is easy, you can do it on your own. just like hunts, if you know there is a chance you can do it on your own you wont ask for help because you dont want to lose the points.
My point being that for hunts we need to ask for help while for merc we don't. And if you say why not just include the option anyway, then this would just give players an excuse to just do merc quests only and never using the pass option. Because of the random feature and the numerous types available I believe the pass/decline option is meant to be used so we don't end up killing only 1 type. But if asking for help is introduced in merc quests, then players would rarely make use of the deline option and would just ask for help.
#5 im not being offensive i just really dont understand what you mean. could you explain a little more.

if it is with merc being easier i have had many that i couldnt do. i never got above .5 or 1 rep when i was level 4-5. maybe it was my bad luck. but i still dont understand the difference between mercs and hunts. they both get harder as you go.

you are a level 10, im not sure when you started doing merc but the later you start the easier they will be, i believe putting this in place would let people start at a lower level, give those "give me gold i have no gold for AP" people another way to make gold. then at later level as in 10 people would be doing much harder merc quests and the need for help would be higher.

unless i am just missing your point completely, in which case please explain.
Merc quests are meant to be hard for lower levels, that's why there's a warning saying that they are hard and should only be done when you're ready.

Their difficulties do not scale for your level as hunts do and because there are so many different merc quests, they increase in difficulty slower. It's just that their difficulty starts at a higher level.

And if you allow assists, you take away from the 'elite-ness' of the Quests and it just becomes about xp and gold, rather than the fun of getting them
alright, that make sense. how about asking for help at level 5 merc and higher only. very hard to get too. would keep the "elite" feeling alive while also allowing you to do those ridiculous hunts.
Takesister has it down right.

Merc quests are recommended at lvl 5 or above by the game. FYI I started at lvl 2, but of course I lost. By lvl 6 I had reached MG2.

The 2nd part with what's wrong with asking for help for higher levels is that mercs are actually much easier than hunts in terms of difficulty increases. For example (numbers may not be right) a win in hunt means next hunt would be 30% harder while a win in merc would mean the next merc would be 5% harder. Of course if you keep winning the same type of merc quests over and over again, then eventually it would become impossible. That's why in my previous post I said that there's a reason for the option to pass/decline.

That way you won't have impossible quests and super easy quests at the same time.
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