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Authordisappearing gold ?
About 10 mins ago when I was waiting to enroll at the reprisal sword of GC, I found that all the gold which I believe was over 500k an hour ago had "disappeared" to almost nothing and the wood supply of almost full of 143+ has become negative. How can this happen ?

Can anyone tell me if this is normal or a bug ?

Thanks in advance.
[Post deleted by moderator MasterTI // The question was regarding facilitys no his own gold.]
[Post deleted by moderator MasterTI // Once more, it was the facilitys]
Certainly not a bug. Perhaps a transfer of resources between the factory and the factory owner (ie. Empire).

For MTI:
GC having 500k is ridiculous, so the best answer here is Minis

I mean reprisal sword factory
Certainly not a bug. Perhaps a transfer of resources between the factory and the factory owner (ie. Empire).

Thats the only possibility as 9 persons cant enroll for 500,000 gold and buy 143 repisal swords in 1 hour :p
I'm very sure about the gold reserve of reprisal sword of GC, I've been enrolling there for about a month already and the gold reserve fluctuates around 400k to 700k.

transfer of resources between factories occur ? really ? I've to check if gold of other facilities has increased in the past hour. Thanks.
Hmm.. after reading this thread, I went to the said facility and then outta curiosity, clicked on Empire's profile, and I noticed Empire has......

580,852,935 Gold (!?!)

And let's not go into the resources...

After treading in another thread that we may suffer an 'economy crisis' here due to the fast diminishing gold in facilities, it's heartening to know our 'supplier' is rich beyond my wildest dreams. :D
After reading in another thread
transfer of resources between factories occur? really ?

Not between factories, but between factories and the real estate owner (namely, Empire).

And as any transaction with a factory (buying items, selling resources, etc.) they are not logged.

Ever noted that Yellow Lake sulphur mine receives a gold boost from time to time?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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