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i am playing this game for a while, and i realized that, whatever factione i am, the enemies troops have always more offence and more defence; i am sucking... [Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-07-15 01:37:17 // Make a clear title next time which reflects the subject matter. Warning.] | Try using artifacts maybe? Also level 3 dark elf is a hard pick for a duel. | ZoukiTwo , use max Gargoyles , then max Golems & then rest on Gremlins .....& add all to knowlege in first 3 levels ! ( if you intend to stay a Wizard ) | 1°
what do you mean by whatever factione i am,? your character has never been anything but wizard.
Unless this is a multi, (unrecorded) and you meant to say that your other characters belong to different faction, you should consider that every faction has its own strenghts and weaknesses, and when you change from one faction to another, the level points you assigned to your char don't change.
To give a pratical example, my secondary is a necro that i swich to different factions.
These last days it was an elf, but since it had all its level points in knowledge, with full arts on i only had 7 off and 12 def, while opponents could get 11 or 12 on each stat. At the same time, i had more knowledge and spell power, so my char was a good sustain for other players in multi PVP battles, but obviously a weak hero to fight on its own, and i oriented it in that sense (taking mass spells as talent, for instance).
The point is: one character can't be good at everything, you have to choose a strategy and stick to that.
You want a mighty wizard?
Can be done, but you will have to invest in mini artifacts as soon as possible, put all your level points in off and def, and use knowledge talents (from level 5 on) to further increase these parameters.
Your character will need to use luck and morale to improve your troops efficiency (don't forget that wizards have one of the weakest set of troops, because of mini arts), and this will have a cost (if you give up gremlins you can use rings of doubt all along your level 4 without penality).
Consider, however, that this is a quite difficult path, since wizards are characters meant to be mostly magic-oriented, specially at lower levels (and hopefully also at higher ones, as soon as magic guild lvl 4 and 5 will appear :D ); pheraps, if you want to be all in melee and range fighting, you should consider playing barbarian or knight. And redistributing primary stats by taking potionts of oblivion.. |
nice wiz guide. | closed by Shebali (2009-07-15 11:02:10) |
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