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AuthorYo Momma Jokes
I went for a 2.5 mile jog yesterday...
2 laps around your mum!
yo momma is fat fat that when she step on thw weighing scale ,i can see my phone number
your mamas so fat that when she wears a yellow coat everyone shouts twinkie!
to mama so fat that when she steped on the scale ethreality saw how much gold he had
Your mama is so fat you got tea-bagged by her fla[s
Gell isn't that from a book your last joke
michael jackson ain't dead he just lost in yo mommas flab
Yo mama is so stupid, she throws a orange to the ground and yells: "go Pikachu"

Yo mama is so stupid, she sews a car tire on her back and plays Transformers.
Yo Mamma's butt is so hairy Michael Jackson popped out and said "home in america"
yo momma is so alive,she breathes everytime
^^this is hilarious! and i dont even get it!^^

Yo momma so stupid she thought nickelback was a refund!
Yo momma so fat she butters her mayonaise
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