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Authorhelp me
how much money and resources did u all need to buy elite,magic and unicorn at lvl 8?...i want to collect my money
EFK = 50k, 30 Gems
Magic guild II = 5k, 20 Wood, 20 Ore, 12 Gems, 12 Mercury, 12 Crystals, 12 Sulphur
Unicorns = 8k, 30 gems, 30 Crystals
-_- you know your castle has all the details in the main and the upgraded section page.

the adding resources will help in your math skills

and if you are too lazy to do that here are a couple links:

• Castle Cost Excel sheet = http://www.warriors-guild.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=656
• Castle Buildings Album = https://www.lordswm.com/photo_pl_photos.php?aid=3174
Or here's a handy castle cost calculator:

not that la...i mean the total amount gold and resources
for redzuan97ht:
You do know that's what we answered you: the total amount gold and resources

What else do you want?
i want to collect my money to buy it
Do the maths yourself, it takes no more than 30 seconds
i know la....i think its needed 90k
3: the site is old. the mages guild (and more?) buildings have wrong prices.
i mean 4 xD
well work hard to get it
I can help you :p and it takes more than 30 seconds =.="

121 598

I used calculator, And i didn't put blacky and fort there,

(8000 + (371 * 60)) + (5000 + (185 * 40) + (371 * 48) + (50 000 + (30 * 371))) = 121 598

There's the counting step
P/S: Try to be more hardworking, than hoping others do it for you :p
very high price.....can u all giv me some money...only donation
The cheaper way is directly buy resource from mine. The total cost is about 120828. Btw what is your age?
my age is 12
I can easily calculate that sh.. At the age of 8
Ok. Enough. You got your answer.

closed by Lady Takesister (2009-07-29 19:31:05)
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