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thanks Karsak ;) so demons are good for ambushing on level 7?
sure :-) you'll be always happy to find an elf in pvp >:-)... you'll have revenge from all gb (if you have done them) where you weren't able to reach em ehehe...
i have seen your stats... imho you should lvl hunt (100 points more)... do more ambushes you can (as said at lvl 7 demons are really good, probably more than de... at lvl 8 it's already better de due to shrews but still more than doable with incendiaries) and now and then lvl a bit mg until you reach mg2 for +1 stat... then you can leave mg for later... you can do a few of them to start lvling mg and also to achieve a few elements in case you need cash money fast (i thought this... but still haven't sold a single element, also with a not so high lg lvl... dunno what i'll do with them, for now i have only gathered them)...
Ok thanks ;)
What arts should I have for Thieving on level 7 ?

Which ones did you have Karsak?
i did until 90 points with min ap (shield sword and necklace)... after that i started to use more arts... always lucky necklace, hauberk (then i have added also chain helmet but near tg3), sword of retribution until i was able to buy sword of might (the really useful item) and i have used always steel boots (for armor you can choose between +3 or +4... with boots only a +1 or a +4)... defender shield ofcourse also (but i use it in every single battle)...
so it really depend on your amount of money... you should sacrifice a couple of points in def if you can use sword of might...
so... SoM asap (if you cannot, SoR), hauberk and steel boots (and if you can also chain helmet instead of use the more expensive armor... you gain a +1 def), luck necklace and defender shield... but this is what i have used based on my financial situation... it is enough (for some caravans is also more than enough) for sure, but add a couple of inspiration rings wouldn't be bad (if you can afford them) and dragon shield would be nice too...
have 15 atk and 10-12 def should be enough to have chances to defeat every caravan (except that damned de caravan with 4 big stacks of hydras/lyzards and a barb caravan with 3 rocs stacks... but i think everybody found those 2 situations enough hard :) ).
ok thanks....
im lv 7 and i knwo the demon is the best luck befals sucubis 7 deal 600 damage on lv 7 with master hunter sabre defender sheild amulet of luck

you have weard transfer log....

for level 7 demon....
what is better advance luck or battle fury?? both very good I think advance luck with +1 more with art is very strong....
battle fury of course... the only talent a demon cannot change... for spawns is something like a +50% melee dmg... so best is basic offence and battle fury, you don't know when luck will (or won't) trigger... i think a demon will use bf from lvl 6 to max lvl...
oh... ok
*Thieving at level 9*

I just hit level 9 and am having a little bit of trouble with thieving.
I taken the talents "Advance Offence -> Battle Fury -> Striving Speed" and poped 3 points into Spell Power and 2 Points into Knowledge, rest into Attack.

Im already thinking the Mass Rapid isnt really great for PvE. Maybe just for PvP. So should i just get the Melee Talent boosters and put it all in attack? Or is Striving speed work ok in Thieving.
I made the experience that striving speed is just crap in thiefing. It is good in hunts and some merc quest, great in duels and ok in gbs. So if you thief most of the time then I&#180;d recommend going all attack.
Imo adv offense + battle fury + cold blade works best.
BUT I'm using cerberi so I don't rly know what to do when incen's are the main focus of ur army.

Ditching cold blade and 3 points in Sp seems like a big loss in dmg tho.
For Those who are a Magic Demon

Magic Demon is NOT good at all. All demons should be melee

Check this battle. https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=483872655
lordmexx[12] is a Magic demon
magicboy[10] is a melee demon
Impressive example how strong a pure melee build really is...
I'm level 7 and thieving... how could I possibly defeat knight?!
you were a bit unlucky in that battle :/
i have found it so hard (neither so easy)... all depend on a lucky strike or a morale boost that can change the battle (as happened in your last battle)...

my plan was this at lvl 7... a first strike on grif to weak the stack then leave it to die happy somewhere (possibly out of succubis ^^)... gate a bit cuz you can defeat swords only taking retal (and that isn't so hard with wolves and spawns ini) and stop bows with spawns placed all over just for this... can be hard due to escort but for this you must defend your succubis and sacrifize everything else... this generally, then always depend on what happen on the battlefielf, ofcourse :)
he is very strong and sucubis and wofhoods are very strong at lv 6 7 8 change like master ti he love it
thanks to both :D I think I get it... I should split spawns for retal takers....
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