Author | demons faction stuff |
would be better... or can happen to lose the full stack from a single hit... then it's turn in an hard battle...
but the general rule is this one: try to let the enemy knight to move their stacks in different places on the battlefield, so you have time to defeat them one by one (usually knights start attacking with griffins... so you should try to kill them staying out from swords range... then move everything on them if possible before he uses escort that is a pain for us... i have found really good to wait the enemy use escort on griff and kill them with succubi... and before can change overlap swords killing half their number, a couple of spawns in 2 stacks are enough to stop bows and let swords lose their turn killing them instead of charge succubi's place) |
mmm start to think i need some advices now...
lvl 8 (less than 100k to lvl), tg3 300... in the last couple of days my victory rate changed from around 75% to 25%... surely can happen but now i start to think there is a cap limit reachable at lvl 8... i can win other caravans ofcourse but it's the first time i lose 3-4 caravans in a row...
is tg4 reachable at lvl 8? adding a few more arts probably wouldn't solve the problem (with a couple of points more in atk and def)... any tips from someone focussed on tg at lvl 8?
ty |
Simple to explain:
The more you win the harder caravans become, so the lower your victory rate drops.
Losing does the opposite: caravans get weaker so after a while victory rate rises again.
Basic mathematics ;) |
yes but if it was a general question i would have used general forum :)... my question was if there is a limit cap for a demon lvl 8... i would like to know what tg lvl other demons reached at lvl 8... if others changed to hunt/mq around this lvl (tg3 300 points) or if they continued to do ambushes because at lvl 9 it's harder... so i can understand if i am only a bit unlucky these days (finding always same cavarans so they become harder and harder) or if others too have found hard this step at lvl 8 and changed waitin to lvl... |
Top level 8 demon with highest TG is
And he's only a couple higher then you Karsak, your third already :D
Keep going buddy |
first of all... really thanks for the info, i haven't figured to search tg lvl for demon 8 :)... 2 points less than 2nd... and both of them are using better arts than mine (i just added today my first 2 rings :) )... this explain enough, really ty again ^^ |
Your actually tied second, so one more point and you're 2nd highest TG for level 8 :) |
I think that when you reach so hard caravans you stop thieving until you get new level (maybe level 9 isn't good for thieving so level 10 maybe?). |
yup i guess the same... but after that i won a few caravans in a row so it's possible to continue, just depend on what caravan go out...
for 9 should be harder because no good new arts, no new troops (except cerb with diams upgrade)... and surely harder caravans due to higher lvl... but i have already planned to stop thieving at lvl 9 and raise mg hg and return to pvp :) |
Well it worked! :D |
congrat ^^ a small plan and difference in arts and knights have no chances ^^
in that battle, for example, i would have only charged swords asap, and leave bows until swords are dead, this in case enemy has higher def (and talking about that disposition)... |
true the only point that I didn't is that I didn't reach them ;) |
have seen... you moved wolves a bit far but maybe if was another move swords wouldn't come in range... so always depend on the concrete situation ^^ |
is thieving on level 8 cheaper than 7 ? |
as usual depend on your decisions... for me it's a bit more expensive (i added a bit more arts) but more because i can afford them now... if you start at lvl 8 is cheap enough similar to 7, but with higher tg lvl you need more arts... so in the end i think it's a bit more expensive but based on your choice, you can do it in min ap also at lvl 8 (but guess you'll not have a great victories rate...) |
I mean for me... I have tg 2 and I win like 70% of caravans right now with good arts(you can see them I wear them)...
so I mean when I need more arts... 7 or 8 ? |
from what you are using... you cannot add a really great amount of new arts :)... i have added 2 inspiration rings but only after i have got incendiaries, with a morale boost are really deadly :)...
wait lvl 8 to add rings imho... surely can help also at lvl 7 but best is with incend (something similar to knight's swords)... 70% is enough good to continue without any changes :) |
good :D thanks |
congrat to Karsak. level 9 :D but that change in dark elf cost something ;)
no hydras or shrews... |
thanks mate :)
i have sold thief ring (happened...) and with 100k+... thought was better to start lvling de for future hunts (demons are good for everything... except hunts imho)... i need to do a thing rl, then i'll buy crystals for both of them ^^ i am already sad for this change and wanna return demon just now xD |