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Authorsmith or enchant
what cost more money and what is better for me
Smithing costs about 11,540,000 gold pieces to reach 90% repair rate

Enchantment costs vary based on market costs and what enchantments you use.
Let's just assume 4k gold per 1 point (a generous average of all elements).
That would mean you need 8,800,000 gold.

But repair is easier since there is more demand and most people pay for a certain percentage of the costs, so the costs may be defrayed some.
Depends on what do you want to enchant. I have counted the weaponsmith cost level 9(10%) to 1,2 - 1,5 milion. According to average market prices of elements and enchanted weapons.

The armorers should be double cost because they dont use "minor elements", but with more customers(no one yet is armorer who can do 20%), more competition, the prices for armorer could go down a little. But you should not start any of it without 500 000 - 1 000 000 in cash on the hand. Early level weaponsmith points cost 1250 gold each(at least they cost me so much).
blacksmith cost around 3-4milions to get max thats why there arent many max smith around.
There are already five fully trained smiths (binghuo, Brilliant, marked_one, china_blue99, hunter) and four weaponsmiths (Commander, Vitosik, www1980, MrHellRaiser) on this server, so training yourself in either guild is just a waste of gold (in my opinion).

You are much better off (financially) with using the services of already trained players.

By the way, max level in either guild can only be achieved with the strong financial support of one or preferrably more clans, or by cheating. We have seen examples for both ways.
gem85 ur maybe right abt weaponsmith but more enchanted arts there are more max lvl repairers are needed :)
You may be right, as waiting queues can sometimes be long. Many hours for a repair, sometimes many weeks for an entchant unless you're well connected :)

But I still think that it's too late now to start smithing. The max level smiths and enchanters of the future are on their way now.

(Too many weaponsmithes may cause other problems too. I think the abundance of wannabe weaponsmithes is what's causing the constant raising of the already high element prices.)
thx all
closed by nokio (2009-08-16 13:54:28)
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