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Authorbarb faction topic
what art should i buy brave medal or amulet luck
doesn't matter. we don't rely/benefit much on them IMO
I prefer morale. Ogres are real slow. Getting that morale trigger means not just the extra attack, but getting to retal 1 more time also.
I prefer morale. Ogres are real slow. Getting that morale trigger means not just the extra attack, but getting to retal 1 more time also.

as you said orges are real slow...... by the time you have another turn, your orges are dead...... I prefer luck. Barb is good at lucks. ^^
Ogres take a LONG time to kill. I think Morale is better.
see??? both are good but our ini are not that high so a morale burst will not make our unit can hit the same enemy twice and our damage are already high so luck trigger will overkill.
hey pals barbs...any tips when fighting d elf and necro pve caravans?
for necro = just put all your army in one corner, this way their troop will likely to step on their dead unit's corpse
With any enemy with missile troops, it's all about dealing with the missile troop. Getting 1 hob next to those skeleton archers or Liches is huge. Also with necros, you need to look at is it better to finish a unit, or have it raised. If you finish a unit, when raised, it's initiative has to start from square 1. If you choose to hit something else, and the necro raises that unit, whatever was left, because of the hit pint reduction is now easier to kill.

With Delf, you know the shrews are a problem. Make it so all your troops can get to the middle ASAP. Ogres in the middle, not a corner. Orcs and Hobs the same. Accept that your orcs wont be missile troops for this fight.

With any caravan, it's often worthwhile to put some bait (such as 3 or 4 orcs or wolf raiders) to draw a unit to the other corner.

You should buy The signet Morale Ring for Morale and use the necklace for luck.(asssuming u have skilled the best talents Basic Off and Battle Fury u will not be able to get luck any other way than The amulet)

Morale is the best thing that can happen to a barb while you mostly play offensive and have very slow ogres...

see this Battle:

Why hobos are better then wolfs? I mean wolfs do more dmg with duoble atk, hawe more hp and is faster, so why hobos are better?
You can have more in a stack and they realy do alot more damage, and with being 1 square can fit in small spaces
Yes if u skill battle fury they do more dmg reflecting relatation! Also their number doesnt effect the fact u can have max orcs and only one ogre less...
evevn if they have less initiative they have a good one! (10) and a good speed and they are small creatures!
big fanks for answer.
P.S. AncientBehemot good fight agains DE in your personal info. Ancient behemot cool creature from heroes of might and magic 3.
1 more question. What is best talent for lvl 5? I fink basic atk, but somebody told me that it doesnt work on lvl 5 verry well...
https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=483508822...what should i have done in this case? Corner?
@brotherTI. You may have won that battle with better target selection. You were attacking infected zombies who are high hit point, low damage. Not the best choice. The one time it might have been justified was when you ogres did 250ish damage to a vampire stack with only 105 HP and there was a nearby infected zombie stack, but that time you went after the vampires.

Hit the vampires 1st and foremost. They are the biggest problem. You are artifacted up. The zombies are low attack, and will do little damage as you should have high def. A stack of 38 attacked an ogre and didn't even drop 1.

Vampires have the higher attack, and get HPs back each time they hit. Get them. Leaves ghosts last. They are 1 of the 1st to get raised, and it just sucks each time you miss. Also, due to their low hit points, lots of them get raised.
thanks..but what about corner..whould it have worked?
for BrotherTI:
If you want a good barb player to learn from on how to do ambushes well, watch some of the battles Xeno did at lv7.
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