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AuthorFortnightly Tournament
Great Idea, Admin should do it, if there still around somewhere?

it looks funny and great
Awesome idea
+1 since after a while game becomes boring, without special events!
I think anyone will agree that is is a good idea
I agree. We need something like this to keep the game interesting.
totally agreed with #13
it will improve economy :) also the repair ppl will gain cos shortage if defender shield and rigs of inspiration will increase market price so it will me sensible to repair them...
^^ 23: Wow, looks very interesting :)
>>> Actually any update will be really really great ;)
Yes nice one - also exp. and skill points are nice awarded ;) 14 skill points from 1 battle WOW
if there were tournaments id probably donate as well so i could buy a full set of decent arts.
nice thought anything happening would be good even just once a month would be good and an obvios improvment but think how long since any activity at all the stretches are more then noticeable the server is dead I dont think anything will happen at all what I think they should do is join this server and .ru server together and give language option this way they only have 1 server to pay attention to which is how they have already started only paying attention to .ru and we can all enjoy the progress being made instead of feeling and being abandoned with no real hope of anything every happening
Talking so easily.. It would get done in no time if we were to be 5k+ online
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