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AuthorList of cheaters
Ex-members od Blade of Honour:

183. suvosh
182. Krad17
179. Marquise
177. tokkk
175. Champions
174. xSHiVaNx
171. skycrow
170. shadowking4
166. hazmi_necro
163. bazzdestruct
162. -maxy-
161. tztbrian
160. darrenseet
159. Voltrob
157. papa123
156. Kallee
155. barberian1
153. david60
152. namanksaini
151. Mercury74
149. andrija
148. shobhusuv12goya
147. shobhu12
146. seba123
145. fightforright
144. PrashanthDaniel
141. macedonian
138. alexgreat
135. legolas98765
133. sai11
132. cezar28
131. palkiax
130. Bigjaw
129. barb2
128. darkness55
125. Frank1468
124. Dr_Gobbel
117. zorozo1
115. Adam509
114. Hrvatska
111. poppoppoppoppop
110. Adonis4
108. ttm64
107. deathbringas1
106. Terra47
105. fnjikus
104. TheFateSealer -already blocked-
101. lordofwar_
98. lord-of-lords10
96. vexes71
94. herowm_
93. JorDum
90. vinothjarold
89. renasky
88. soccerfan
87. aruish
86. darkirsyad
85. khairul_tigergo
84. knight_power
81. Medan1414
78. younkuy
75. alex4
74. Yamiyu
72. t-shirt
70. Crisis666 -already blocked-
69. Skrall
66. The-Night-Mare
64. suhasjp -already blocked-
61. MasterC7
60. Romper
59. kakaka
58. james69
57. snaipers300
56. Shreck_ed
52. spls
50. sa6o_qkiq
48. J4keY
47. d_man07
46. ShikaMura
45. DeathBringar
43. Stifmaster
42. thebest98765
37. beast1
36. gandalf9876543
33. lozrockhopper
32. ansitey
31. nks_dtii
28. king_013 -already blocked-
27. TasKurPavaro
25. acs28240
24. BarbaricAsHole
23. Fecore
22. coolsunny1404
21. pimpa
20. popoez
15. lordmidget
10. Nerilith
9. shadowlasher
to much of them
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-09-05 21:05:04 // No comments in Complaints and Applications, please.]
so what now?
Archerblade said he is going to deal with the internal problem of the clan and I trust him!

The rest is up to our admins.
#404 Wolves Horde list of cheaters.

Tsedar told me is going to deal with the internal problem, this list is for our admins, so they could give right punishments.

2. Lukasz24
7. Bigjaw
10. hunka
11. gamsadihur
13. SpartakosGR
14. Cyber_Gal_Ghost
16. leroy_099
17. Nugie
18. sterling4444
19. TheFlamez
20. Ex_Killerz
24. pericaSI
25. Dount-Ken
30. RGWarior
31. OoTopKunGoO
35. vato4geo
36. darkelf-555
39. nhe17
41. f1am3rb0y204
44. catyutza
45. Sweet_n_Naughty
46. nhe19
48. warlordch1
50. doomhunter
51. dhevdunknown1
52. pigc63
53. nasasak
54. tanmaypoke
56. Anshuman007
57. Nejihyuuga
58. Jheneralu
61. monster-411
62. wildbar
63. PrashanthDaniel
64. knight_hero
66. johnthoo
67. Thesadu
69. cmk1997
72. sanderc77
75. Sista
77. Goku_30
78. Avril_
79. riseifpossible
81. zistokij
82. Jugger567
87. bigbandit
88. 1shot
90. megasonix
95. antonius002
96. prox
97. cosmo2634
99. naveen29
104. dragon_of_demon
105. captainmight
106. mansor_shah
107. agressiverdk
108. joshyyoman
111. Chand
115. TaKanwOla
116. Compra
118. Harikoli
120. tokkk
122. nide18
123. Ypnos
124. napi
125. Prabhakar
126. Bobsponge47
127. Commander33
128. barb2
132. purehunt
134. croknight
136. ansitey
137. XxstanleyXx
138. heman
140. LordTrunks
146. shubhamsinghal1
148. 62353535pizza
150. raptor_hafiz95
153. DragonKnight520
159. MastaOfDeath
161. Colburon
162. MrDee
169. nutterboy
170. orlando122
171. jhonny
172. backspace
174. Kaesetoast
175. Spectrevius
176. Hridesh
178. Valdy
180. josslan
181. rajupothuri
183. DoomReaper11
184. jaxasx
187. Shawnsta76
188. blackrock
190. ebay92
192. LavaDragon - cheater that won a prize on last tournament!
193. deathsmack
197. Matanza
202. stronghold38
203. fev
205. Frank1468
206. elf_1995
208. drakelord
211. pamali
212. cheboli
213. restrictedmiic
218. lordskiller
222. Arjan
224. kropar1
226. Silent1
228. bloodstealth
230. lordkido
231. ooncaijun
232. maglica
235. carlos999
236. Zexion
237. Bubbly-Chimp
238. beast1
239. sen520
242. Marquise
243. supercutey
244. lordkiller12345
245. expert
The second half (from 250 to the end) are provided by Erebes. He gave me a big help and I want to thank him.

250. Rafen_2
253. parichay12
254. Dilok
255. sweet_candy
258. legend_warrior
259. Draco77
261. J4keY
262. didz100
265. stupidone70
266. meison
267. muadzman
268. Gambit
269. narutoayan
275. Bshk
279. ronnyrizzat
281. james69
282. JasiN
283. alza3im
284. HARSHIT12
286. chirag13
287. Tee4321
293. Orangeballs
294. jdtherealdiehl
295. bentheman
299. jakeular
304. Kim_LoO
305. anub1s
306. cass
307. Zyui
309. smbgames
312. Sub-Zero1
313. YeeHa
320. Gaarn
322. MasterC7
325. tztbrian
327. live2kill
329. WhiteWolfRage
333. john1924
336. CrazyAlone
339. o4sis
340. riverwarrior
341. norbi4567
342. doominator
343. dioniso
344. David666135
346. Operan
347. XxSrcloudxX
355. Starlight1
356. CSC217
358. firebosskira
361. Elfizz
362. roosta
363. thrax
368. xSeNgiRx
371. duri
374. SURAJ1990
377. Anmol
380. Petitoth
381. odrolinek
382. d_phantom
392. shikhit5
398. Corba
403. jamil
408. darkforest3
409. MatanzaMaxima
412. Lord_Dagon
413. phantomsushi
419. barnyard
420. Ninjamonkey
421. Rene34
423. vajco6
424. prab731
425. death111
427. Prince_Madness
428. doobrik
431. maheshmmmk
437. herowm_
438. draco77x
440. lordofwar_
442. annoy
445. Drivit
451. Bio_Max
453. Keena
454. kau
455. FeiThin
456. WindElf
457. survive
460. dirty_doc
462. mafija
463. Fabio-sp
476. josephinerider
479. BlackPrince-Elf
481. DragonZale
482. Kshitiz45
485. TheNewElf
486. Pingo13
489. asanete
490. megamagical88
491. shiakatu
493. geremica
495. degla
497. killerx1
500. ShadowReaper
501. DKCA
504. suryc
505. TheSnakeMan
507. goooooo
238 cheaters, 46,7%
how do u know they are cheating?

and most important, where can I download cheats 4 this game? :P
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-09-06 18:05:50 // No comments in Complaints and Applications.]
~Yay me on list... but oh-no it's on bad list xD
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-09-06 18:06:09 // No comments in Complaints and Applications, please.]
~Oh me number 500!!! 500 exactly! :D Hope i win something :D I'll probably win a trip to the fire pit... okay I'll stop talking!
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-09-07 18:07:05 // ...And you shouldn't be proud of it. But please receive my assistance to help you stop talking.]
to admins:
please block all of them forever!
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-09-07 18:07:27 // No comments in Complaints and Applications. Relapse.]
Suvosh - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4591428&page=2
Whole page of transfers received from shobhu12 (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4590226) and Shobhuv12goya (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4588633)
Far exceeding 30%.

08-30-09 13:03: Received 80000 Gold from rahulkaira
08-31-09 13:08: Received 25 Gems 25 Crystals from rahulkaira
09-01-09 09:17: Received 50000 Gold from rahulkaira
Rahulkaira - (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4549512)

Krad17 - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4441302
Many illegal transfers to and from unsigned multi, Krad15 (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4443507)
And a bunch of unsigned transfers from ilMessaggero (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4442101)

Marquise - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4601542
Bunch of illegal transfers from unsigned multi, Marquisee (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4605754)

Tokkk - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4532624&page=8
Page after page of illegal transfers from,
Mozila91 - ( https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4544400 )
Mozilafirefox - ( https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4533488 )

Champions - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4551636
Hundreds of thousands of gold sent to his unsigned multis,
Good_jackel - (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4577894)
Sign_in - (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4586778)

xSHiVaNx - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4615932
Bunch of transfers to his two unsigned multis,
xSeNgiRx - (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4610720)
xMardoKx - (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4613699)

skycrow - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4591286&page=0
Many unsigned transfers from his unsigned multis... Goes on for pages,
Skyvoice - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4605450
Skykid - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4605115
Skyeye - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4605132
Skycat - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4605125

Just something to start off with. You can post lists, but you cannot guarantee Admin will got through them.
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