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AuthorWhat are the best talents for elves?
Also, what do you do if you don't have enough money to buy a light axe and defender shield?

You have to work till you have enough to afford them to fight with 5AP?
aBasic luck at level 5

yes, you must enrol more

Laborers' guild: 0 (75) +15, this might have something to do with it
What do you mean? What does that have to do with antyhing?

the spread arrow attack for the hero isn't a good talent or the spells?
every end of the shift you work, you get 1 point to labor guild, so you have only enrolled 75 times so far, thats pretty low for a Lv 5, but its probably because you did lots of PvP combats so you leveled fast
yeah, isn't that the point in this game? lol
yes, but though you will have some problem with gold income

and also you can reset your talent at anytime without any cost, so you can have fun experimenting with them

that talent gives your hero Rain of arrow ability, your hero can deal 150% damage to every stack listed in Avenger's guild as favored enemy, in hunts, creatures are considered as favored, except for elf creatures
cool, thanks for the info straws :)

if people don't battle etc? what do they do instead? I mean? just type in capcha codes every hour? that's not exactly entertaining :)
there are other battles you can do, hunt, assisting hunts, and mercenary quest, and later thieving, actually these are what most people do
hunt is where the npcs are passing by right?

assisted hunt, I've joined others in an assisted hunt - but you get 0 gold for assisting? and you lose a durability on your items for doing this?

what's a mercenary quest?
yeah, and you can ask the hunter to share the loot i guess

mercenary quest guide:

some can be done at lv 5, though most are hard
thanks for the info
Do you get gold for completing quests? And can you do them more than once?
for gtplaya818:
Please start a new thread next time.

Do you get gold for completing quests?
Of course, not much though.

And can you do them more than once?
Yes, but each time the difficulty increases
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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