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AuthorRules change
I propose adding a little change to avoid the bypassing of 3.13 and its subsections:

3.8.2 Any transfers between relatives are forbidden. Signing a character as a relative for purpose of any kind of financial assitance is forbidden.

Because of anonymity of internet, there is no way to prove you have a playing relative or otherwise. You dont want to cease someone`s right to play this game. But as long as this is being abused, I suggest giving relatives full status as a free character without restrictions, except interactions(especially one way) with his relatives. It is a common system that works for online games.

I'm sure these people can survive without their "brothers" , "sisters" and "girlfriends" helping them on their way.

Of course there may be some genuine out there, but I still don't see why they need each others help.

Certainly, theses "Relatives" should not be allowed to participate in combats and stuff, because who's to say that they aren't dictating where their "relatives" move in battle?

Yet again another +1.
Because yeah... we all know family helping each other is a BAD thing. Gods forbid that someone help someone they love enjoy the game...

for Calthropstu:
i think you're missing the point. i could make 6 more accounts and say they're 2 of my cousins and do anything i want with those accounts (like gifts for example). there is just no way of confirming family is your family and not other people.
what about siblings who live in the same house, but sometimes do logon simultaneously from 2 different places?
Misself: And this is bad because..... ?
So you give yourself gifts. I see no problem with it. Unless it's obvious you're trying to farm gold/xp for eachothers accounts, I say go for it. but buying the gifts for yourself in order to use things like "other half" etc, I see no problem with... especially since there are far better, and far cheaper, items that do similar/better things.
for Calthropstu:
'gifts' as in gold or arts
you can tell a person simply giving a gift or two and a person farming.
Unless the mod checking is mentally challenged. The signs will generally be obvious.
They usually can catch that sort of thing.
I can write 10 examples when people abuse family member status to gain advantage by using their own multiaccounts. Kushika1-10 accounts were signed as family members too. Only because 10 accounts is an extreme were they blocked. Otherwise he could just abuse the hole in the rules(if he had only 3-4 accounts with proper names).

I see many cheats try and hide their cheating by pretending that their multis are in fact other relatives giving them gifts.
Example of a profile info:



This is what I meant. Legally, these accounts are protected and can scream for unfair penalty.

Actually I was rather surprised the game didn't include such a rule right from the inception.

But, considering there are some relatives "just in game, not in real life" (like MasterTI's big family :), I think they should have their freedom to have transfers and battles between them.

Maybe we can state it as "any transfers, battles and card games between accounts from the same IP or computer are forbidden".

Of course, there will raise another problem:
I have a party with my friends every weekend, some of them are playing this game too. So we may log in from the same ip. So we can't fight together, and I can't do repairing for them? (BTW, when I do repairing for them, they never pay more than other players, and I even give them some addtional discount).
I agree

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