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i have a lot of reasons regarding why nobody remember them but i think i better just close my mouth =)
@ Zarebrant: I totally agree!
And i need to apologize to all i might offended.

[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // Beware of the troll]
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-09-13 18:24:48 // Another resting moment for you, earned through your political rant.]
...but i also need to agree with Korzika for telling the truth!
I am going to fully support Vonemar,there are many died in several incidents in last 8 years,so why don't you light a candle for them too.No offence.
Okay people, I've given some "rest" here and there and I'm ready to continue. So keep it civil and share your political views elsewhere (elsewhere here being "in any site not having LordsWM.com in its title".)

Since some people are really willing to remember the sad events happening eight years ago in New York, I'm not closing this thread. But anyone diverting from this simple remembrance expose himself/herself for serious banning.
It was unfortunate...I still remember when it happened, my friend called me early in the morning (since I'm on Pacific time) to tell me the sad news. I couldn't believe I had heard him correctly, so I turned on the television...what's really interesting for me, personally, is that my younger siblings are twins, and they were born on a September 11th--the irony.
i was on vacation in thailand when i saw it live on TV, the first TV i had in several weeks. i switched it on just some seconds before the second plain crashed...

then me and my friend both began to sing "is it the end of the world as we know it" by R.E.M.

guess we was right...
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // No more controversy.]
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-09-12 20:41:44 // No more controversy. You have been warned.]
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // No more controversy.]
Every day 30.000 people die in Africa. Reasons are hunger, thirst, disease, war...

There is not a memory day for them, but we are here to remember those 3.000 who died on the twin towers. Have you ever ansked yourself why?

Things are being done to help the people who die in Africa and these deaths are not caused by other human beings. These deaths are caused by disease and natural causes

9/11 was planned by terrible people who could've turned back at nearly anytime.
These deaths are caused by murder.
is that my younger siblings are twins, and they were born on a September 11th--the irony.

Thats scares me.

And if you want to talk about all the deaths in the past 8 years or so...
feel free to start your own thread... "All the deaths in the past 8 years"
wow, this sure has alot of redmarks.

I didn't read much of this post so far seeing as there is alot of flame potential. And for once I'm gonna be nice.

God Bless the families of all those who lost someone that day and may the memories of their loved ones be of why one should cherish life and not a reason to take more in vengeance.

Man should never have the final say in when someone should die, but does have the right to defend oneself. Each side has its own heroes and each one considers the other side the bad guys.

No matter where it would have happened, 9/11 is a tragedy. As a species we should mourn the lose of our own. Instead of hostility on this day we should respect the sorrow of this day as a human race.

For anyone who cares to show respect and honor the memories of those now past due to that day, bow your head for just a few seconds in a moment of silence.
I'll start...
I'll start...

I'll follow...
i say nothing, mods delete in anyway if you have critical thoughts and don'T nodd :(
it wasn't the terrorists it was the u.s. government.
for Pentagon:stfu this is serious >:(

I send my regards to all that have died :,(
for hockeymaniac:
yes i am serious too. i am very sorry for those who have died. and it's sad. but it wasn't the terrorists. the U.S. government was in it too. the government itself doesn't do anything by itself. they are controlled by someone higher.
for Pentagon: the government had nothing to do with it y do u say that
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