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Author | how to make the world a better place |
Death is our salvation
why do you still live then??? | I am not worthy of salvation | impressive,appreantly most of the people here see`s that death is the soloution! | one day the world will be destroyed...
not world, but Universe..... | If you take the title literally "how to make the WORLD a better place" then, the death of the human race would probably help, but I assume that the author meant "how to make the world a better place FOR US". . . | To be sure there are many with mental problems who do horrible things but there are also those who just embrace evil and are quite normal. Greed, lust, jealousy are a few triggers that can take over a person who was raised correctly and had all life could offer. There is a major problem about recognizing that evil is real and many doctors choose to explain it away and deem people cured, only to see them released into society to do more crimes.
How many times have you watched the news and seen a murder, then have it revealed that the criminal had been jailed and released even multiple times for violent actions? Too many excuses are offered these days for flat out evil. | actually we dont have to ask for death, at any time the sun could go supernova and burn us up, or implode on itself and form a black hole, or the supermassive black hole at the center of our solar system could start to randomly expand like crazy and suck us up and spit out or particals or whatever, or a biggggggg star somewhere close to us that we dont know about could go hypernova forming a black hole but no worries
How do i know this well in science class i have to study black holes the stuff you dont want to know:) | ook at cancer and AIDS, the whole donate for cancer research is a scam and its because people donate to them thats made people pay or do something else to keep these cures away from the public.
It is hard to know what is true these days but I do agree that major players do suppress things because it would ruin their profit. This is why Benjamin Franklin was loved by many. His lightning rod was given freely to the world without a patent. He was a superstar of his time both in America and France. | i have to study black holes the stuff you dont want to know:)
i want know... ;D because the most important thing is knowledge
at any time the sun could go supernova and burn us up, or explode on itself and form a black hole, or the super massive black hole at the center of our solar system could start to randomly expand like crazy and suck us up and spit out or particals or whatever, or a biggggggg star somewhere close to us that we dont know about could go hypernova forming a black hole but no worries
this thing would never happen because universe was control by God...
and this Universe would crush, when the times come....
then life come back to afterlife (that's why abdullah say death is solution)
and about the death is
Just lost your breath and then you're dead.... you don't need to wait for the world crushing, road-accident or head rip-off for the dead to come
[My Idea]
This world was already a good placed for us to live...
and this world like testing human to choose either you want to go to hell or heaven.....
and how come to make it better, you just need some rule to make this world better.
people must have the right rule to control the world from crime.......
example :-
when someone do a crime there just a penalties for them go to jail.. got free food... then what... they can do it a lot of times...
however.. Islam taught his folowers to cut the hand of the thief...
now how can you steal anymore.....
however people got wrong with the idea was 'cruel' for their community..... then they deserve with the crime 'rate'
I believe in God.. i hate revolution ideas (that's idea was for noob)
rules that makes by God must be followed to make this world perfect
and the most perfect rules I see was Islam rules....
Which this thing include:-
1)every crime has it owns sentence....
2)the sentence must do in PUBLIC.... people got this sentence in private room and what for it?... the criminals death was just a waste.... no one got lesson from it... because of noob people thought this was too cruel for the criminals, so it's not cruel for wasting people because they are criminals?
althought just two of it, (actually it's more but i still not good in english, maybe bad) that's was enough. What do you want more, huh?
P.S for mod, sorry for the caps.. but i think my subject there was a lot so there would be more caps ;) ad people got boring read a 'novel' | for Vasto_Lorde:
in technical speaking, religion (especially Christianity, no offense, i used to be christian too) does more negative than positive. but i dont want to argue about that because theres no point really...
for Zarebrant:
how am i being paranoid? and we dont need drugs for everything, but wut u were saying about brain structure is true and thats why i say we need to be taught certain things wen we're little cuz then our brains havent hardwired themselves into a bad structure
not world, but Universe.....
not only can universe and world be put into the same meaning/context but the universe cannot be destroyed, simply because it does not have to the proper existance type TO be destroyed =)
for mageof10:
no. not only is that extremely absurd (a star that immensly huge would have to already have a gravity force strong enough to make every heavenly body drift to it) but a hypernova like that would obliterate everything the resulting blackhole would be in range to suck in. and we already know that at the (what we think is) center of the universe theres a giant blackhole created from the energies and such that are there... so... no | almost anything you can say about this conflicts with itself... please dont think im trying to be a know-it-all im just trying to help u guys understand things =) | ^^ The world already a better place, or not. No matter how good the place, you won't never see its beauty if cant or don't want to. It's all about balance, you never appreciate just a little healthiness if never got sick. | I think a lot of people are just giving answers that are way too philosophical or don't even answer the question at all.
How do we as individuals make the world a better place?
Very simple. We improve ourselves first.
If the world was filled better individuals, then world would automatically be made a better place. | ^^ 33: That answer, my friend, could be
way too philosophical or don't even answer the question at all :D | more negative than positive.
lol, noob explainations..... give me more...
universe cannot be destroyed, simply because it does not have to the proper existance type TO be destroyed =)
noob explaination agains....
universe is a thing... not something, so how come it can't be destroyed
like i said, i hate revolution ideas
a thing must be done by something.. i don't care what religion you believe.. but the most stupid thing is revolutions...
does everyone believe if a ship/plane/house make by itself?
this because you just saw with your naked eyes....
and what universe made of, magic, by itself? so where does soul comes...?
(what we think is) center of the universe theres a giant blackhole created from the energies and such that are there... so... no
no... you wrong.. althought i hate revolution, i learn about them too...
they say the universe start from a Big Bang.. where the most massives energy explode..... and the explodes still expanding.. like you see a big nuclear explode expanding... but it's was not stop until now.... and the center of the explodes would be there nothing.... althought it was a gravity..=.=
and about the 'technical thing speaking', my religions was involved all.. I m not a noob believe only on 'magic thingy' but there would be logical sense....
futhermore, early Muslim know that earth was sphere by Al-Quran, Islam holy book.and how can a human know the world round just travel around at the the desert... that's technical too.... or what? (Al-Quran says more but did i need to say it all???)
our eyes can lieing us...
and about Geia suggestions:-
you make Universe like a something that was an eternal space...
how come revolutionist say that this universe expanding?
that's mean the universe was in another spaces... unknown by all people..
that was contrary with your suggestion with the "UNCRUSHEABLE UNIVERSE"
P.S sorry for the caps agains.. and the noob insulting was not for the human, but for the explaination that was noob for me and maybe another peoples...
thnx in advance.... | you never appreciate just a little healthiness if never got sick.
agree with that^^, sorry for double posting and i think my post earlier was off topic too much.... maybe XD
and the answer for this thread would beWe improve ourselves first...
We improve ourselves first.
thnx in advance :D | futhermore, early Muslim know that earth was sphere by Al-Quran, Islam holy book
Hebrew scriptures predate the Quran by 1000 years and said the earth was a sphere.
in technical speaking, religion (especially Christianity, no offense, i used to be christian too) does more negative than positive.
Really? Take another look at the 20th century and come back with facts. Godless governments were responsible for far more murders than those who had a national faith. I will not gloss over the past and claim that those who murdered in the name of Christ were not evil. They were but the Bible does not tell Christians to go out and murder people so if men distort it and use it as a sword it is upon them. There are extremists always and there are bad men who will exploit any situation they can in their quest for power. | Hebrew scriptures predate the Quran by 1000 years and said the earth was a sphere.
ok then, how about the Solar System, the Earth around the sun....
and about the creation of human..... was told in Al-Quran too..
and Modi, did you know about this ?
Allah religion which the past Prophet like Nabi Isa(Jesus) Nabi Ibrahim(Abraham) and Nabi Musa(Moses)...
was the same line on Islam...
but when Christian doesn't accept Muhammad as the last Phrophets, Allah doesn't accept they as His was same as the other too......
So, Muslim not only believe Al-Quran... they must believe all of the past holy book and Phrophet, althought just believe their existance.
because some scholars say that holy book, Injil(now bible) was edited by christians priest, but the christians denied it...
which religion are this? or just a scripts >>>>Hebrew( i sure it was a language, thought...) | Really? Take another look at the 20th century and come back with facts. Godless governments were responsible for far more murders than those who had a national faith. I will not gloss over the past and claim that those who murdered in the name of Christ were not evil. They were but the Bible does not tell Christians to go out and murder people so if men distort it and use it as a sword it is upon them. There are extremists always and there are bad men who will exploit any situation they can in their quest for power.
there are parts of the bible that DO tell to murder. And religion causes way more wars than anything else, not to mention narrow-mindedness, self-esteem issues, etc. religion could have been a good excuse and an excellently successful way to control people, whose to know for sure?
does everyone believe if a ship/plane/house make by itself?
this because you just saw with your naked eyes....
and what universe made of, magic, by itself? so where does soul comes...?
instead of just saying "noob answers" you could ask me to explain, youre being a little childish.
Now, the universe cannot be destroyed because it is the essence of the posibility that something could be destroyed so therefore destroying the universe is not only impossible but would not make sense in the way that the universe has no molecular or energy structure that could be collapsed. The universe is space and time but also not at the same time (kindof hard to explain). the existance in the universe itself can be questionable based on what we understand...
Um... okay take time. some people think of time as a moving arrow, always moving in a straight line and leaves a trail, where others belive that this arrow has a set and specific destination. Both, of course, are wrong because not only would there be no real point in that (although nothing really has a point to it universally) but it would be dull and sad. Time is alot more like a vibrating dot, there is no future and no past its just the present and only that.
and about the 'technical thing speaking', my religions was involved all.. I m not a noob believe only on 'magic thingy' but there would be logical sense....
okay theres a noob answer right there. you not ony have to explain what you think magic is but what youre whole magic thingy is all about so there
and about Geia suggestions:-
you make Universe like a something that was an eternal space...
how come revolutionist say that this universe expanding?
they say that the universe is expanding is because 1: they cant think up anything better, 2: they know its wrong but they say it anyway cuz of some reason, like how Einstein knew that E=mc2 is almost completely wrong but he said it anyway because he knew that society would not accept that or something close to that anyway...(what we think is) center of the universe theres a giant blackhole created from the energies and such that are there... so... no
no... you wrong.. althought i hate revolution, i learn about them too...
they say the universe start from a Big Bang.. where the most massives energy explode..... and the explodes still expanding.. like you see a big nuclear explode expanding... but it's was not stop until now.... and the center of the explodes would be there nothing.... althought it was a gravity..=.=
okay thats just weird that you would say that because in order for sed explosion to take effect there would have to be existance/space for the explosion to take place or whatever but the universe is space and existance itself so that statement conflicts with itself, just like how they think the universe is expanding which also conflicts with itself cuz the universe would to move into basically itself to expand
our eyes can lieing us...
exactly yes thank now we agree on something (i think) because we dont (at least the public doesnt) understand or | NOOOO!!!! i was cut off and i wrote sooooo much more!!!
but anyways lets agree to disagree about what we see or percieve or something about the universe and stuff, lets just do what we think will make the world a better place in our own opinions and stop arguing and stuff cuz im tired |
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