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AuthorRemove Roulette froms LoWM
-1 because it help the empire keep all it's money even if we didn't have roulette there would half as much money.
because it help the empire keep all it's money

Huh you know Empire can print its own gold? :-)
Remove Roulette froms LoWM


look at my gold! I'm winning on it plz do not remove Roulette:(
Huh you know Empire can print its own gold? :-)

Also empire get 1% of everything sold on market so it become Really rich for more players selling their stuff
for MyDoom yr game won't work!

u already posted +1 so posting again won't incearse yr vote!
Worst Idea! I Hate Who Hate Roulette!!
for MyDoom yr game won't work!

This section is not supposed to "vote" for ideas. We should be giving points and arguments. -10000 and using asterisks is useless.
Huh you know Empire can print its own gold? :-) i no that it's just people r making money of roulette how about al those people who wasted time thinking of the formula for roulette (if there is one), and some people make money of this like there rich because of this
this is just silly, why remove it when you can ignore it as many people have already done. those who choose to play should know the risks, it's a double edged sword that can give as much as it takes.
Seriously, roulette wont go away. Few people got rich, most people got poor. THere is only one person who thinks he has a formula on roulette(which is pure empiric, unproven and whatever), others just admit they got lucky.
All a person would have to do is create many characters, develop them to, say, level 3 or 4, which doesn't take too long. Then bet as much as possible on roulette on a single number. If the bet(s) fail the character is abandoned.

Eventually doing this will result in a character with more than enough money to buy a TGI and more

ok, let's see an exemple: a char gets to lvl4 (easy, you say, but it does take a little week), bet on a number at its max (4k) and win: it has

4000*36=144000 golds (not enough for a TGI, though). what does it does? keeps playing roulette? but if it looses, it is abandoned. so, to make sure that a player can play the way you say and at least have 2 wins in a row, he needs 38 times 38 characters:


and in this way, he does win

(4000*36)*2=288000 golds.

So, to win 288.000 golds we need 1444 characters.. and we still need 1 more win to get enough to obtain a TGI, wich gives

1444*38=54872 characters needed to get 3 wins in a row, for a total of 432000 golds (!), this time enough for a tgi as long as all the 54872 characters got some kind of enrollment in their life.

considering also that if each of these character had 1 enroll at lvl 1 in a mine, the owner would have earned

54872*185=10151320 golds.. ( over 10 millions!!!)

Hum.. i read somewhere that "roulette is a quick way to get rich".. doesn't look like anymore..

I guess i made my point.. ;)
Roulette is there to provide a gambling element to the game.

It says in the Did you know? box:

Roulette is a quick way to get rich.

While not necessarily true, it does serve it's purpose.

Just like the lottery in real life, it is up to the player to determine whether to bet or not to bet.
roulette is a quick way to get rich...

that's right. but, almost all gamblers forgot/failed to read the following part.

roulette is a quick way to get rich; and a quick way to get you into bankrupt
roulette also promotes cheating as most of the cheaters use the cash to gamble with,they transfer all the money from thier multi's to thier main,then they have all this cash on them,guess what happens next.GREED kicks in so they use in in roulette and lose most of it,which makes then cheat even more because they lost all that cash on roulette,its and endless cycle
roulette also promotes cheating as most of the cheaters use the cash to gamble with
GREED kicks in so they use in in roulette and lose most of it,which makes then cheat even more because they lost all that cash on roulette,its and endless cycle

Yes you are perfectly right. I also noticed this. Most desperate roulette addicts are most sad cheaters as well. The game is for kids and just roulette, even when without real money is evil. There is something deep, magical and essentialy evil about roulette. Thats why kids should not play it I think. In most countries they cant even go to a casino.

totally not viable, it would be impossible to log into each of the accounts to place the bet in the 9 minutes timeframe you get to place your bets
Huh you know Empire can print its own gold? :-)

As this game is based on a real-life economic model, printing money would be silly.

Ever heard of inflation? When someone suddenly starts just making "more" money, that affects the prices. Everything else will get more and more expensive for us as players and gold will start to lose its value.

A good example of this is in Zimbabwae when Morgan Chungerai (I think that's how you spell his name) decided that the best way to combat poverty would be to print more money. Obviously he needed to revisit his basic economics classes to realize that printing more money is just plain daft. Now inflation is so bad 15 trillion Zimbabwae dollars equates to a mere 2 US dollars, and therefore, has no real value.

So back on track... -1 to the idea. Roulette serves a fine purpose in this game.
+1 cause it will get more member from what ive heard some people leave the game cause of it
i agree with #23
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