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Authorlife of the server
i wander, are there going to be eny changes in game, or server is dead?
i wander, are there going to be eny changes in game, or server is dead?

I don't understand your question. If something is alive and nothing changes, then is it dead?
ya, check russian server and sind some diffrance
for example
admins added HOUSES whitch make ur mana and HP regenerate quicklier and let u earn money!!!! this is only one of huge changes in game which aint going to happen HERE
so i have only one question to admins, "Will there be any changes HERE"
the server is still going but the Admins have abandoned us.They are far too busy giving the Russian eveything they want to bother with this server.The way it is now is there are more people cheating than there are honest players,and all kinds of cheating too,finacial assist,fixed fights,you name it.And they continue to do it because there is NO ADMIN support at all
so i have only one question to admins, "Will there be any changes HERE"

#1 Admins don't read the forum. They claim that they don't speak English.
Practically you can't communicate with the admins. You can't write them a letter with any hope for an answer.

#2 My opinion: No, or at least not in the near future, or not that kinds of changes that you want.
if they cant speak english what the hell did they make an english server for.Only a complete idiot would do something like that
Before expecting "changes" you should perhaps ask yourself if "changes" are indeed desirable. Among other things, some changes have been:
- earning of FSP linked to battle results
- AP rule
- no more 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 hunts

...Among others. In fact, many "change" have raised uproar on these very forums.
Read the Arctic interview on the Warriors' Guild site. This server was not the idea of the admins but that of an enthusiastic player on the .ru server.

That player seems to have lost interest in this game, so we don't really have any support now.
Read the Arctic interview on the Warriors' Guild site. This server was not the idea of the admins but that of an enthusiastic player on the .ru server.

That player seems to have lost interest in this game, so we don't really have any support now.

and whos getting all money from donaters? that player? forum mods? oO
the Admins are getting the money,but as for what they are doing with it who knows (probably getting drunk and laughing at the supid americans that sent them money)now of course they will use whats left of the money on the russian server-which of course means screw the americans
and whos getting all money from donaters?

The very same people who developed the game, bought a server, pay for the bandwidth and hosting...
forum mods? oO

Of course not.
why not you buy this server from admins? then you can add whatever you need XD
why not you buy this server from admins? then you can add whatever you need XD
Great Idea just one problem,no one here can contact Admins because they dont speak English (the Admins cant)
in fact, ru-server have not a really serious update for a long time. Houses and new kind of tournament - it is a small change, which nothing change))
Making change is indeed not that hard job to do since they already have all the code done on the .ru server. The only thing left is just translation, but... is it THAT hard to do?

Some kind of update should not be a problem at all, like tier 5 creature upgrading and new tournament as MasterTI suggested recently. Even some more survival tournament would make this game more fun than nothing happens at all.
The only thing left is just translation, but... is it THAT hard to do?

Arctic was the translator and he's...away for the moment.
Great Idea just one problem,no one here can contact Admins because they dont speak English (the Admins cant)

Well, if one is serious enough to want something... --> When there's a will, there's a way. :)
Please try to not accuse the admin of improper behaviour. You may feel disappointed with the delays, you want want to rant, but please don't sink to the level of:

"(probably getting drunk and laughing at the stupid americans that sent them money)now of course they will use whats left of the money on the russian server-which of course means screw the americans"

It's insulting and questions the actions of the admin. Please do not do that.
Please try to not accuse the admin of improper behaviour. You may feel disappointed with the delays, you want want to rant, but please don't sink to the level of:
It's insulting and questions the actions of the admin. Please do not do that.
you are getting paid by them so of course you will take thier side.I stating my opinion of whats going on and I have that right (1st Amemdment)This site is being recieved in America so you cannot violate my right to free speach
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