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Authorlvl 6 barb help
ive just reached lvl 6 and i dont know what talents to use?

also, if they attak me qith magic, how much dmg will i get¿?
Your resistance is 5%+7%*[Barbarian skill level]. That lowers any spell damage by that much

With a Barb level of 2, you reduce 19% of all spell damage
you'll get 81% damages only from magics except magic punch,
I recommend :-

1. Basic Offence and Battle Fury, or
2. Basic Offence and Thrusting Might

You will get 19% Less Dam. from Magic Attacks except Magic Punch, that is u take 81% Damage.
2. Basic Offence and Thrusting Might

level 6 will do good with that in pvp or GB.

1. Basic Offence and Battle Fury

for hunt
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