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AuthorNecromancer or Demon
One of my multies(Moon33) is a necromancer, but i'm unsure whther i wany to switch to demon, so i'm here to see if people on the forum will convince me to choose either one.
When reccomending something keep in mind that i want to try to stay that faction for the rest of the game.
Let the convincing begin!
Necromancer is much better then Demon
ooh I would strongly disagree. I believe demon is a hell of a lot stronger at all levels. The only time necro might be better is 3 and 4 due to ghosts and no magic for demons. When the demon get spawns and magic it drains the necromancer and smashes him with his own mana! the skeletal bowmen hit about 30 compared to succubi which hit at least 70-80 damage!

I would go demon if I were you, they are fun to play and at 6-7 are one of the strongest factions! :)
Right now, i'm really looking towards demon, but i won't decide until tomorrow.
I'm still not really that sure though, but if nothing points me towards necro by tomorrow i'm changing to demon.
Well, the best thing to do is to look at some past battles between demons and necros. It also depends on your playing style. Test them both out. I'm pretty bad at playing demon, as I learned from my multi. It is just something you have to learn on your own. Everyone has different experiences.
What level is your multi? because neither are really fun until level 3 for necro and level 5 for demon. It takes a lot of thinking to use demon correctly and I'm not sure about the same for necromancer
My multi is only level 1, haven't been playing her much. I really rock as a necro though, but it does require a lot of thinking, timing and some tactics.

two demon battles one against a necro, i think youll see which is better ;)
go demon,I was necro and demon I should know it the best lol :P
#8 at level 3 your battle hardly add anything to a discussion about higher levels.

Both factions are very good at medium levels(6 - 10). I would tend to go towards necro for MQs and Ambushes and Demon for PvP, some hunts and thief hunting (though personally think other factions are better to catch thieves).

It all depends what your plans are? Do you want to get TG4? MG4? Do mainly hunts? or mainly PvP?

Both have good strengths depending on your playing style.
#10 i know it doesnt but it shows some low level playing and i was hoping another player(s) would show higher battles, plus i just like that battle '_'
go demon,I was necro and demon I should know it the best lol :P

me too, and i totally agree :D
At high levels:

Which is better?

PUNY 210 skeletons or 56% MORE units?

i know this necromancer has better shooters so if u like hideing in a corner and shooting at the demon troops and watching them die =D
It all depends what your plans are
It is a matter of opinion but according to the legend of koushik_great necro is stronger because it has skeleton bowman which is of great help and vampires which can resurrect.ghosts too are very helpful.and you have reserve skeletons so you can heavy numbers of skeleton/bowmen.at lvl 10 probably yu will have 200 bowmen.very good
these are my fight against necro you can decide who's better.

lvl9: me being ambushed by one



this was a free for all me against 3 other necros. you decide whos better demon or necro :)

honestly I can tell you that demons own necro from 9 and below I would give you links to all my necro battle lvl6 and below but don't feel like searching anymore. you can believe me if you want or not but its true fact that demons are better then necro 9 and below. not sure about lvl10 and up since I'm not there yet.
one more thing you will be at a disadvantage when you change to either demon or necro so I think you should just raise dark elf faction points or elfs since those two are the only two with good faction point for your lvl.
that lvl 9 battle does not count no bowmen or zombies that looks fishy 2 me wat necro goes with out skellys or at min 2 zombies
I don't know either thought it was funny so I posted it lol
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