Author | Finally we see justice |
Player was imposed a penalty of 2750000 gold a new record? LOL |
*breathless* |
yzmking's record got broken! |
Thank God some justice! You are right Modi. It was about time because the game was turning upside down. |
Arctic is such an appropriate name as he "freezes" accounts of cheaters. Dude, you are the best thing to happen to this server from the time I joined.
It feels like a dark cloud has been lifted by the cold Arctic North wind :P |
It feels like a dark cloud has been lifted by the cold Arctic North wind :P
this is poetry ... |
It feels like a dark cloud has been lifted by the cold Arctic North wind :P
this is poetry ...
Yeah and pretty bad poetry at that :P Arctic wind was enough as of course it's cold and from the North. I just got carried away seeing all those cheaters whacked :P |
But I fear than, unless Arctic is chained to his keyboard for the next three weeks,
I did suggest this in the "Acrtic is back" topic, but nobody agreed.
but it is great to see the cheaters being banned im just glad i dont have to fight OP'd players cus they cheat ^_^ |
09-25-09 12:11: Received 1 Gold from xxxxxx : only 1,536,086 to go ^_^
09-25-09 10:56: Player was imposed a penalty of 2750000 gold. // Large scheme financial assist by countless mutiple characters.
ah ah ah ah ah .. lol ... lol ... lol ...
only 1,536,086 to go ^_^ ah ah ah ah |
If only the gold from cheater-blocking goes back to Production facilities
We will be able to enroll in peace :p |
who is the one who was fined...2750000 gold? pls tell me. :'( |
i also want to know who was fined 2750000 gold. plz! |
yaa! MY CLAN finally approved he is the best | <-- was the guy who was fined. |
Its LORDS-WAR. :) and hes quite unlucky too---- Roulette bets total:124,500 Roulette winnings total: 200...even though its nothing to him. -_- |
couldn't have happened to a nicer fella (NOT)
I am very happy that we are finally getting some justice |
The funny part of this story is that his clan was approved yeasterday :-) |
something is something :) We are all quite thankful! |
lol :) |
Hmm wait for me to be blocked, plzz block me ASAP .. :) |