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What a surprise: a lvl8 DE has got stonger magic than lvl 5-7
sorry for inturapting ur discusion...

iam pretty sure its written somewhere before, but iam lvl 8 now and have a might DE -at least untill i see in groupbattle that a magic DE is stronger (for example mass-poison)

pls tell me what talents u used in 8 (or usin right now)

Basic offense, battle fury, basic luck... Ultimate choice, no doubt about it... Choose leadership and rally only when you need alot of poisonners (mercenary quests...)
actually i chose to change to might because my hunts r near impossible now for a mage and i want to go might at lvl 8, no point being mage with expensive arts to change them agn the next lvl.

mage de is very good in GB and duels, at lvl 5-6, all factions except demon with spawns, wizards and barb r defeatable. go might at lvl 5-6 and face a necro? dead, u cant defeat all his ghosts and vamps 3 times. knight? grifs kill ur rogues b4 u can land a strike on swords. elves? nope lightning and elvens dual shot kill ur rogues n liz too quickly.
For Sin : Mage DE at level 5 - 7 .. just good again Elves coz they have little HP .. but not against Wizards (Golems resist magic), Knights (LOt of Armies), Barbs (Resist Magic) and u just have a little Faction Points ... :)

IN hunting, See how u can kill Golems with a ur magic arrow and delay .. :)

Might is still better coz u can maximize the potential of the ROGUES, MINOS and LIZARDS they have more damages .. :)

Anyone has idea to kill 757 Peasants ? thx a lot .. :)
Buy shrews :)
for manti: OMG .. :) the only way ?
thx to manti for answer
What is the best:

basic ofense + advanced ofense + batle fury, using 27 shrews


basic leadership + rally, using 36 shrews?

I ask it because i achieved the lv 8 today...
see? u cant defeat 700+ farmers but i've managed to beat 900 of them using mage

with mage i can jus run and run while my hero waits with mana regen and arrow, i dont deny might is good for DE but i like magic, i've won many group battles with mage, if others come my troops arent lacking much onli a few atk and liz charge will cut it in half. but if u dont go magic, elves and knights will tear you to bits with elvens, druids and grifs, see this, i defeating a knight https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=473334119
@270: i will do the maths for you.

36 shrews: 36*(5-7) = 180-252 damages with 2 morale
27 shrews: 27*1.2*(6-8) = 194.4-259.2 damages with 1 morale

assuming 1 morale= +5% damages (you have 10% chances of bursting, and 2 bursting gives you an additionnal move = +100% damages)
formulas becomes:
36 shrews: (180-252)*1.1=198-277.2
27 shrews: (194.4-259.2)*1.05= 204.12-272.16

damages dealt by shrews are nearly the same with the 2 builds.
with battle fury your other units (lizards, hydras...) hit harder
with rally, your shrews have more HP (but when you hunt and use hit and run
you don't need it)

i would use rally for PvP, battle fury for hunts and merc quests.
why i need very much experience to get new level????
i need 80000 exp to get level 7 combat??
Because you have been a bad boy! If you were a good one, you would only need 40000 exp. Now go and clean your room of all those toys lying around!
why i need very much experience to get new level????
i need 80000 exp to get level 7 combat??

Because you get more troops, sometimes new ones, gain access to better arts, more talents, and more stats points, so that you'll kill more in hunts, and according to levels, much more or slightly more.

So, all in all, you'll get more and more exp, and leveling more slowly, that's true, but that's a good thing in the end; else, many would have left this game because they would be lvl 14 for a very long time by now.
Is magic guild 2 any good for a might d/e? It's a bit expensive, and i only have 1 knowledge and dont plan on getting anymore ..
Sure it's good for the disruption spell, at the right time that can come in real helpful
Well My alternate character is a level 6 dark elf.WIth all his 25 Ap set he gets these stats

4 Attack
8 Defense
5 Spell Power
3 Knowledge.

I read the previous posts starting from post 1 to post 277.Manti says you can how 7 spell power at level 6.How is it possible?

I wear cape of spirits wizard cap and combat staff but still get only 6 spell power.

What talents should i use:
Basic Sorcery and Mana Recovery
Basic Sorcery and Concealed Knowledge.

Thanks for all the help :)
i was mage DE at lower levels.
i had up to 7 spell power at level5 (with erudition)
and up to 8 spell power at level6 without erudition (i could have reached 9 spell power with erudition, but i used other talents instead)
exemple: 1st try against army of wizards{6}
control+click on the hero to see his stats.

i can help you to reach easily the 7 spell power you want, and maybe 8 ;)

i suggest you to use only 2 knowledge, it will allow you to have 1 more spell power.
30 mana is too much, 20 mana is usually enough (sometimes it's even too much): you can cast 5 magic arrows or 4 eathern spikes
for exemple, look at the previous link against army of wizards: i used elemental call with 2 knowledge and i had enough mana for the entire battle.
without elemental call, i would have needed only 1 knowledge for this battle...

in full arts you should have:
1 knowledge form the start (bonus of DE)
1 knowledge and 4 spell power with level-up
1 spell power with mercenary guild 2 (if you like mercenary quests)
3 spell power with arts (cape of spirits, combat staff, wizard cap)

for a total of 8 spell power (7 if you don't have MG2), and 2 knowledge.

and if you really want max spell power, you can reach up to 10 spell power at level6 (with only 1 knowledge, and erudition talent) but i don't think it's the best thing to do :p
As Karsot already explained to you, 3 knowledge is in most cases too much, so no need to sacrifice 1 SP for that... So, you have 4 SP from level-up and 3 SP from arts = 7 SP and 2 knowledge... And you can spend your talents for sorcery and elementall call if you like...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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